Item Creation [ Notes from the Artificer ]
@halfgiant said in Item Creation:
So in most rule sets i have reviewed (regarding crafting) metamagic-type items almost always as rods, i have seen some metamagic gems that were one shots, and Wand Metamagic Grips that reside in the Complete Mage. Has anyone seen any reason why a crafter can’t make a ring based metamagic item? Ring of Twin as an example?
I’ll need to review the rod stuff for comparison. But I can’t see a big issue.
A few references?I am assuming this is for an item that enhances a spell you are casting with a meta magic feat.
The MetaMagic grips are different than normal metamagic rods.
sigh stay outta my head, powerviner… the 10e cubewand/staff/rods i’m STILL FINISHING have a better way of metamagicking output
don’t you have an immortalz game to work on ??
I do, but between spell breakers, regenable cubes, sockets, Rorek pondering about building a forge, 10e energy types. and Kargin growing list of crafting goodies…its hard not to think about how to-do the DM.
Metamagic Wandgrip
This copper wand-sized handgrip allows you to apply your metamagic feats to wands.
Description: A metamagic wandgrip is made of copper. It is unadorned except for a single magical rune carved out
of the handgrip, so that the wielder’s skin is exposed to the magic item through that rune. The hollow rune glows whenever the item is used, though its position inside the closed hand makes this difficult to see.Activation: Activating a metamagic wandgrip is subsumed in the activation of the wand. It functions only three times
per day. Placing a wand into the wandgrip (or removing a wand from it) requires a move action.Effect: You can apply any one metamagic feat you know to a wand placed within the wandgrip. Doing this drains an additional number of charges from the item equal to the normal cost of that feat in spell slots. For instance, Extend
Spell normally raises the cost of a spell by one level, so using Extend Spell on a wand or staff would drain one additional
charge (on top of the cost of the spell being cast) from the item.In all other ways, this item functions as if you had the Metamagic Spell Trigger feat.
Aura/Caster Level: Moderate transmutation. CL 6th.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, Metamagic Spell Trigger, 3,000 gp, 240 XP, 6 days.
Market Price: 6,000 gp.
Spell-Lens: Originally fashioned by the Netherese, spell-lenses have only recently been recovered from the ruins of the Sargauth Enclave by explorers of Undermountain. A spell-lens resembles a small crystal oval with a socket on one end that attaches to the end of a wand. When used in such a fashion, a spell cast from a wand acts as if affected by both the Empower Spell feat and the Enlarge Spell feat, but costs triple the normal number of charges. If the wand lacks suffi cient charges, the spell-lens has no effect.
Strong transmutation; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell; Price 13,500 gp; Weight —.
(Reference for Spell Lens: City of Splendors) -
yeah, i looked at those… good idea, poorly implemented
I was thinking about modifying them to work more like the metamagic rods, but tailored specifically to wand grips. Probably result in a price increase. Agree for the most part good idea, pour implementation.
Metamagic Gem
Aura strong (no school); CL 11th; Slot none; Price 2,000 gp (empowering topaz), 1,000 gp (enlarging amethyst), 1,000 gp (extending garnet), 4,000 gp (maximizing sapphire), 8,000 gp (quickening diamond), 1,000 gp (silent spinel), 1,000 gp (still amber), 4,000 gp (widening emerald); Weight —
Metamagic gems can be used to enhance spells with various metamagic effects, similar to the way metamagic rods are used, save that metamagic gems are consumed when they are used. To apply the effects of a metamagic gem to a spell, you need only use the metamagic gem as an additional material component for the spell in question.
When you apply a metamagic effect to a spell using a metamagic gem, the spell slot of the altered spell does not change. You may only use one metamagic gem on any given spell, and while that spell cannot be further enhanced by a metamagic rod, it can be used with spells already enhanced in the normal way via any metamagic feats you possess. In this case, only the feats possessed by you adjust the spell slot of the spell being cast.
Use of a metamagic gem does not confer the associated feat on the owner, only the one-time ability to use the given feat. A sorcerer or other spontaneous spellcaster must still take a full-round action when using a metamagic gem, just as if using a metamagic feat he possesses (except for quickening diamonds, which can be used as a swift action).
The metamagic gems presented here are not the only such gems that exist. Other metamagic gems based on metamagic feats from other sources could easily be created—their costs should follow the pattern presented here (1,000 gp for gems that alter a spell slot by 1 level, 2,000 gp for those that alter spell slots by 2 levels, and so on), and each new gem should have a corresponding unique gemstone type associated with it.
Craft Wondrous Item, appropriate metamagic feat; Cost 1,000 gp (empowering topaz), 500 gp (enlarging amethyst), 500 gp (extending garnet), 2,000 gp (maximizing sapphire), 4,000 gp (quickening diamond), 500 gp (silent spinel), 500 gp (still amber), 2,000 gp (widening emerald)
Idea is there like the wand grip, just poorly implemented. Good idea for adaption in the implementation of cubes, as we discussed at Show-Mes.
Notes for a Future Date
Item Source Cost Desc Wand Bracer Dungeonscape p.33 300gp each 5 wands, retrieve with swift action, reload is full round I think Wand Bracelet Magic Item Compendium p147 12000gp each Shrinks 4 items like Glove of Storing, swift action to store, move to switch Bracer of Wands Dragon 291 p51 60,000gp a Pair Stores 3 wands per bracer (6 total) at the cost of a charge each. Wands can be used as if they were in-hand Glove of the Master Strategist Ghostwalk p71 3600gp each The base Glove of Storing is over priced, this is based on the 3.0 price and also adds true strike. Free action to store 1 item Casting Glove Magic Item Compendium p.84 20,000gp each As glove of storing, except any item inside the glove can be activated as if you were holding it -
Magic Weapon Abilities - Valorous
A valorous weapon allows its wielder to make powerful charge attacks. When used in a charge, the valorous weapon deals double damage, much like a mounted warrior with the Spirited Charge feat. More than one doubling of damage increases the damage multiple by one per additional doubling, so double-double damage is triple damage, triple-double damage is quadruple damage, and so on.Caster Level: 12th
Requirements: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, righteous might
Price: +1 bonus
Unapproachable East -
Armor Abilities - Wand Chamber
A wand chamber is a thin, cylindrical slot on the handle of a weapon or the edge of a shield that can hold a single wand. When a wand is loaded in the chamber, it is considered ready and can be activated without having to drop the weapon or shield. Changing the wand in the chamber is a full-round action.
Price: +100 gp
Dungeonscape -
Working on a few new magic items to craft once we return back to the city, assuming Ayla doesn’t catch us, the MotherBeholder doesn’t kill us, or we don’t loose control of the Sphere of Annihilation <thumbs up for optimism>. Anyway i assume you have beholder spare parts a plenty, to spare, for a pour artificer to make a magic item or two from? Also i know you have some Blue Dragon parts, do you have any of the other Chromatic dragons?
I may need your help prepping the reagents for enchantment, just let me know if you have any extra spare dragon parts you can spare.
beholder bits aplenty, aye
(eye ?)
sadly, blue is the only flavor of chromatic we’ve come across thus far… tho i did get to eat a Brine dragon as well. i could probably ACQUIRE dragonbits of the other colors for ya, if thats what you’re lookin for - i’m sure the ogres at the brewery have a bunch socked away (from recent kills ta make Bloodweiser) in the fridge for when we get back, so i can brew up some of Arg’s recipe of Balor Hotwings for 'em… they’ve been jonesing something fierce for that treat ever since we left the mess
does take a while to regenerate enough balor blood ‘ta feed a troupe o’ ogres, tho !
Great! I’m thinking about a Staff of Many-Eyes, and/or Wands of the Beholder…something along those lines.
book and page reference ?
New Creations… not in existence yet, at least not to my knowledge.
Price (Item Level): 1,500 gp (5th)
Body Slot: Face
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: Faint; (DC 17) divination
Activation: See text
Weight: —This glass lens is rimmed with gold and has a fine gold chain attached to an ear clip. Putting on a monocle is a standard action. While wearing an artificer’s monocle, whenever you successfully use your artificer knowledge class feature to detect an item’s magical aura or you cast detect magic and have at least 5 ranks of Knowledge (arcana), you can spend 1 additional minute studying the item. If you do, you
can identify the abilities of that item as if you had cast identify upon it.Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, identify, Artificer Knowledge or Knowledge
(arcana) 5 ranks.
Cost to Create: 750 gp, 60 XP, 2 days. -
Ring of Sustenance
This ring continually provides its wearer with life-sustaining nourishment. The ring also refreshes the body and mind, so that its wearer needs only sleep 2 hours per day to gain the benefit of 8 hours of sleep. The ring must be worn for a full week before it begins to work. If it is removed, the owner must wear it for another week to reattune it to himself.
Faint conjuration; CL 5th; Forge Ring, create food and water; Price 2,500 gp.
Price (Item Level): 20,000 gp (15th)
Body Slot: Head
Caster Level: 13th
Aura: Strong; (DC 21)
Activation: Swift (mental)
Weight: 1 lb.![0_1545965896709_beholder crown.png](Uploading 100%)
Ten metal stalks sprout from this grotesquely formed bronze crown. At the tip of each stalk, a different gem gazes like a glistening eye. These strange crowns can shoot
rays from eyelike gems, much like the attacks of their namesake. Each gem can fire a different ray a single time at a target (doing this burns out the gem). Each ray extends up to 30 feet and requires a ranged touch attack to successfully strike a target. Each ray functions as a particular spell (though the ray only affects a single target):• charm monster (Will DC 17 negates)
• charm person (Will DC 17 negates)
• deep slumber (Will DC 17 negates)
• disintegrate (Fort DC 17 partial)
• fear (Will DC 17 partial)
• finger of death (Fort DC 17 partial)
• flesh to stone (Fort DC 17 negates)
• inflict moderate wounds (Will DC 17
• slow (Will DC 17 negates)
• telekinesis (violent thrust against a target of up to 325 pounds; Will DC 17 negates )Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, charm monster, charm person, deep slumber, disintegrate, fear, finger of death, flesh to stone, inflict moderate wounds, slow, telekinesis.
Cost to Create: 10,000 gp, 800 XP, 20 days.
@halfgiant said in Item Creation:
![0_1545965896709_beholder crown.png](Uploading 100%)
Did it get stuck at 100%? Normally it just pops from 100% to the imgur link.
Amulet of Metaspell Influence
XP Value: 3,000 ; GP Value: 15,000
(2E Tome of Magic; Reference: Encyclopedia Magica Volume 01, pg36)This amulet does not appear to have any magical function (although it radiates magic if detection is used) until it is worn by someone using one of the dilation, far-reaching, or extension spells. When such a spell is cast, the amulet adds 50% to the functional effect of the spell. For example, if extension /is used to increase the duration of a 3rd-level spell by 50%, the wearer of this amulet can add another 50%, raising it to a 75% extension effect.