10E Magic Discussion
I started a new thread, there was a mix of 10e magic and 10E caster mechanic mixed into the ‘10E Caster Thread’ … and besides it was getting a tad long.
So in 10E i want to throw up a iron wall, i would presume i would use the energy type Elemental Metal, and the Efx type Wall. But can i create any metal type wall. So Iron Wall, has been in D&D for a very long time we all know it and have cast it before. Can i choose the type of metal from the energy type? If i wanted to make a Lead Wall, or a Adamantium Wall?
So if that is true, Dragon Fire / Break, i assume i would have to mix energy types to create a Dragon Breath weapon like poison (to substitute Fire). Which works a tad differently than the Metal / Wall mechanic.
I can see there are additional little ‘quirks’ as well, i’m just pointing out a few of the more obvious ones to see how they work.
manipulation Wall, yes. you can create any naturally occurring type of metal in the shape of a wall… since Iron Ore abounds in the earth’s crust, summoning that to build your Wall of Iron is fairly straightforward - and also why its a permanent effect
ditto with Wall of Stone (energy type Elemental Earth, manipulation Wall)
Lead Ore, however - is quite a bit rarer - so you’d have to be near a vein of the stuff if you wanted a permanent effect, otherwise it’d be temporary and disburse back to wherever it was summoned from when the spell wore off.
Adamantium - well, you’re prolly gonna need powermaster range and juju to honk that off and get what you’re lookin for
or be above a dwarven mine/mountain
Elemental Poison and manipulation Breath should work to give you a toxic breathweapon. energy-admixing it with Dragonfire would add both Fire and Biomagical effect, making it harder to resist.
Working thru a few subtleties in my 10E magic tool, and with Sazerac. And i stumbled upon
- Prismatic Ray
- Prismatic Wall
- Prismatic Sphere
Plus all the assorted Prismatic things you could do with other manipulations. But the energy type is a tad unobvious, i would say the closest energy type is Solar/Sun but that doesn’t seem to really fit. So am i just not seeing a prismatic/light energy source?
Quasi-elemental Radiance - described as searing white light or shimmering COLORS… tho a little tweaking of Solar/Sun could work too (since that plus water makes rainbows in the first place).
like most efx in 10e, there’s most always several “paths” to generate whatever effect you’re lookin for