Item Creation [ Notes from the Artificer ]
Ring of Sustenance
This ring continually provides its wearer with life-sustaining nourishment. The ring also refreshes the body and mind, so that its wearer needs only sleep 2 hours per day to gain the benefit of 8 hours of sleep. The ring must be worn for a full week before it begins to work. If it is removed, the owner must wear it for another week to reattune it to himself.
Faint conjuration; CL 5th; Forge Ring, create food and water; Price 2,500 gp.
Price (Item Level): 20,000 gp (15th)
Body Slot: Head
Caster Level: 13th
Aura: Strong; (DC 21)
Activation: Swift (mental)
Weight: 1 lb.
Ten metal stalks sprout from this grotesquely formed bronze crown. At the tip of each stalk, a different gem gazes like a glistening eye. These strange crowns can shoot
rays from eyelike gems, much like the attacks of their namesake. Each gem can fire a different ray a single time at a target (doing this burns out the gem). Each ray extends up to 30 feet and requires a ranged touch attack to successfully strike a target. Each ray functions as a particular spell (though the ray only affects a single target):• charm monster (Will DC 17 negates)
• charm person (Will DC 17 negates)
• deep slumber (Will DC 17 negates)
• disintegrate (Fort DC 17 partial)
• fear (Will DC 17 partial)
• finger of death (Fort DC 17 partial)
• flesh to stone (Fort DC 17 negates)
• inflict moderate wounds (Will DC 17
• slow (Will DC 17 negates)
• telekinesis (violent thrust against a target of up to 325 pounds; Will DC 17 negates )Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, charm monster, charm person, deep slumber, disintegrate, fear, finger of death, flesh to stone, inflict moderate wounds, slow, telekinesis.
Cost to Create: 10,000 gp, 800 XP, 20 days.
@halfgiant said in Item Creation:

Did it get stuck at 100%? Normally it just pops from 100% to the imgur link.
Amulet of Metaspell Influence
XP Value: 3,000 ; GP Value: 15,000
(2E Tome of Magic; Reference: Encyclopedia Magica Volume 01, pg36)This amulet does not appear to have any magical function (although it radiates magic if detection is used) until it is worn by someone using one of the dilation, far-reaching, or extension spells. When such a spell is cast, the amulet adds 50% to the functional effect of the spell. For example, if extension /is used to increase the duration of a 3rd-level spell by 50%, the wearer of this amulet can add another 50%, raising it to a 75% extension effect.
Amulet of Power
XP Value: 12,000 GP; Value: 60,000
(DRAGON Magazine 5; Encyclopedia Magica Volume 01, pg39)Usable by all Spellcasters, this object serves to periodically boost latent magical energy. One day each week, the number of spells (of each level) the caster may perform, and the range, duration, and power (dice, area, number affected, etc.) of those spells, is increased by 50%. An enchanter could, for example, do 6-4-3-1 spells on one day a week, rather than the usual 4-3-2-1. (Always round fractions down.) Due to the increase in spell capabilities, the target’s saving throw is augmented by+3. Upon acquiring the amulet of power, a new user must wear it for 30 consecutive days before it melds properly to his or her mental capacities. After that period, the amulet becomes fully functional. Any attempts to make use of the power boost before the 30-day period is completed are all in vain.
High Anvil of the Dwarves
XP Value: 5,000 GP Value: 50,000
(DRAGON Magazine 58; Encyclopedia Magica Volume 01, pg51)The skill of dwarf metalcrafters is legendary, and through the ages they have continued to find ways of improving their smithing abilities. At some time within the last several centuries, dwarves learned how to create a magical device that would make them even more skilled as armorers, weapon makers, and smiths. The great cost of creating a high anvil, however, has kept the number of these items down to a precious few. Only a very large enclave can afford to make one—high anvils are never found in the shops of dwarven armorers, weapon makers, or smiths located in cities and towns—the danger of theft is too great.
High anvils are large, elaborately carved, and forged from an alloy of adamantite and steel. They radiate a faint aura of magic. The anvils weigh about 175 pounds and cannot be easily moved or carried, and are often fixed or welded to the floor of the main armory of dwarven colonies.
The workmanship involved in the forging and decoration of a high anvil represents the best that the dwarves of the clan can offer, frequently adorned with depictions of great events in the clan’s history. While dwarves hold their high anvils to be beyond price, a realistic appraisal of one’s worth would probably range from 30,000 to 60,000 gold pieces.When used for metalworking, a high anvil adds +50% to the skill level of dwarven armorers, and doubles their efficiency, effectively cutting armor construction time in half. Dwarven smiths using a high anvil have doubled efficiency when forging any item, and weapon makers may construct axes, swords, and the like at three times the normal rate, working them on a high anvil. Nondwarf characters or creatures who use a high anvil (a very rare event, since dwarves are extremely protective of their treasures) have +25% added to their skill as armorers but enjoy no other benefits.
The increase in skill level and decrease in construction time are not permanent and only apply when a high anvil is used. Mithral and adamantite alloys can be worked with greater ease on a high anvil, and anything forged on one is of the higher quality. A high anvil is created by a long and involved
process of crafting and enchantment. The physical work upon the Anvil takes between 24 and 36 months, and can only begin after the members of the clan have taken 6d4 months to decide on the anvil’s shape, design, and decorations. Once the anvil has been forged, it must undergo a ritual blessing by the most powerful dwarven priest in the clan, and 4d4 other priest assistants. (The main priest must be at least 6th level, and a member of the same clan as the dwarves who forged the anvil.) The blessing takes ld4+4 days, and the clan’s patron deity is invoked during the final enchantments.High anvils are not commonly found in treasure hoards. One might be discovered in the ruins of a dwarven stronghold, but even if the clan had been destroyed or driven off, another clan would try to recover the anvil to keep it from falling into the hands of another race. Dwarves who do manage to gain possession of a high anvil (from nondwarves, of course, since dwarves do not
steal from each other) gain 10,000 experience points; the award is half as great for nondwarves who come to own one. -
(Admantium) Dwarven WarPick of Anchoring +5
Exotic One-Handed Melee
Type: Piercing
Critical: 20/x4
Damage(M): 1d8Greater Anchoring (DR309 p110)
Any Weapon Dimensional Anchor, for 1 minute on an opponent hit by this weapon. The decision to use this ability is made after the weapon hits, but on the same round as the hit. Unlimited uses.
Mod Abj 10 Craft Arms & Armor Dimensional Anchor +80,000 — -
Creating New Runestaffs
If you want to create a runestaff of your own design, it should have two to five arcane spells associated with it, and the spells should be thematically linked in some way. The lowest-level spell in a runestaff should be at least 3rd level.
Crafting a runestaff requires the Craft Staff feat, along with any spells held by the runestaff. You don’t need to supply any material components or foci required by the spells in a runestaff, nor do you need to pay any XP cost required by the spells, since the wielder of the staff pays those costs.To set the price of a runestaff, multiply the level of the highest-level spell in the runestaff by itself, then by 400 gp. For each additional spell in the runestaff, square that spell’s level and multiply by 200 gp. Add the values together to fi nd the final price of the runestaff. If a spell can be used less than three times per day, reduce the gp multiplier for that spell by 100 per use below three (or 50 per use below three, for spells after the first).
Example: Steve’s sorcerer wants to invent the runestaff of speedy travel, which would provide dimension door (4th), fly (3rd), and expeditious retreat (1st). The price for this item would be 6,400 (4 × 4 × 400) plus 1,800 (3 × 3 × 200) plus 200 (1 × 1 × 200), or 8,400 gp. If he only wanted to be able to use dimension door once per day, the price would be reduced to 6,800 gp (4 × 4 × 200 gp for dimension door, plus the other costs as normal).
A runestaff allows its wielder to use her own arcane energy to generate magical effects. Typically, a runestaff has anywhere from two to five spells. By expending a prepared arcane spell or arcane spell slot, the wielder can cast a spell of the same level or lower from the runestaff’s list, as long as that spell also appears on the wielder’s class spell list. The spell is treated exactly as if the wielder cast the spell herself, including caster level, save DC, and any other effects related to the spell. Unless stated otherwise in the runestaff’s description, each spell can be cast from a runestaff three times per day.
Magic Item Compendium, Page 225
I don’t get why material components are not needed for creation.
Because a runstaff is more like just an extra spell slot holding the specific spell?
But you can cast it as much as you want, so there should be some power there.
It has no charges? Or am I missing something?
@daermadm Updated the posting (above) my copy didn’t capture across pages, in short interesting idea, but lame implementation.
Ok since i have retooled Kargin from a 3.5 Cleric to a 10E Caster, i have been thinking about how to blend the 10E energy, effect elements into crafting magic items. So i started looking at the Ring of Regeneration.
And began thinking about regenerating different energy types under different affects like a Psionic or Mana (or any other energy type) Regeneration Aura (efx) Ring.
I’m guessing nobody in V’Ral has attempted any of this, yes/no? So Kargin will probably have to blow himself up a few times to figure it out.
Its mentioned in the forums about the Laputans having Masters at mixing manacite with components from the plane of air in order to create their floating cities and platforms. Has anyone in V’Ral figured out how that process works? Not necessarily specific to the plane of air, but more generally speaking with other magical components to build enduring amplified affects.
** dregs looks at his old 2001 era ancitem.doc file… **
soooo… you’re trying to reverse engineer the Ancient Ring of Energy Regeneration ?? or just trying to make it into an aura ?
(( since its well known that rings of regeneration are crafted from troll bone, this was one of the first things that dregs TRIED to make when we killed off some manatrolls. hasn’t been able to get it working tho
keeps encapsulating itself and/or the body part wearing it inside manacite. but he’s more of a tinker - as a protoancient, you’re a lot more likely to crack that issue than a mad alchemist. let him know if you want the prototype or a fresh bone to work with ! ))
@dwarf said in Item Creation:
soooo… you’re trying to reverse engineer the Ancient Ring of Energy Regeneration ?? or just trying to make it into an aura ?
No, he is just trying to make a Ring of Regeneration but as a 10e caster. Wrapping our heads around how it all works when there are no longer spells as there used to be.
Yes, exploring how the crafting system adapts to a new magic system when there are new power sources, and affects available that would have been previously harder to mimic, or create. Now it may be possible thru access to the 10E system and wedging it into the current crafting system to make things like a ring of mana regeneration, or Instead of a Ring of Fire Elemental Command, maybe a Ring of Quasi-Elemental Command (Vacuum).
Some of the combinations may be deemed workarounds or backdoors that can mimic similar epic/ancient items and there for should be pushed to those power levels, it may make sense (I leave that to the DM). But now that the 10E system is out there, its only natural for Kargin to want to adapt/use that in his creations within the current crafting system.
ahh - so you’re RE-engineering it atop the 10e magic system… gotcha
…mmm - both Varalla and Rose robe-messaged me about interest in your Vacuum Elementals for cleaning the palace and city streets. might i suggest wrapping a silence aura around your lab to keep the bored kids at the scrytower from sharing your secrets ? or perhaps a scry-redirect to a certain alchemists lab - they avoid that due to nightmare-induced trauma…
@dwarf I like the scry redirect, we know how Dregnoth likes to do his experiments in the nude!
hairy naked pregnant Dregnoth for the win !!
(( sanity never stood a chance )) -
Rorek Boots
Boots of Speed, Striding, Springing, and Freedom of MovementPrice: 32,000 gp
Item Level: 17th
Body Slot: Feet
Caster Level: 10th
Aura: Faint; Transmutation
Activation: —
Weight: 1.0 lb.Striding: These boots increase the wearer’s base land speed by 10 feet.
Springing: Wearer can now make great leaps (enhancement bonus). Jump Skill receives +10 competence bonus on Jump checks.
Speed: Movement (including land movement, burrow, climb, fly, and swimming) increase by 30 feet.
Freedom of Movement: Wearer to act as if continually under the effect of a freedom of movement spell.Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Longstrider, Haste, Freedom of Movement
Dwarven Ring of Combat Superiority
This ring grants the wearer the effect of two extra attacks when making a full attack action. This effect is not cumulative with similar effects, such as a haste spell or a weapon of speed.
Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Forge Ring; Sakkratar’s Triple Strike; Price 75,000 gp.
Amulet of Mighty Fists
Aura faint evocation; CL 5th; Slot neck; Price 4,000 gp (+1), 16,000 gp (+2), 36,000 gp (+3), 64,000 gp (+4), 100,000 gp (+5); Weight —
This amulet grants an enhancement bonus of +1 to +5 on attack and damage rolls with unarmed attacks and natural weapons.
Alternatively, this amulet can grant melee weapon special abilities, so long as they can be applied to unarmed attacks. See Table: Melee Weapon Special Abilities for a list of abilities. Special abilities count as additional bonuses for determining the market value of the item, but do not modify attack or damage bonuses. An amulet of mighty fists cannot have a modified bonus (enhancement bonus plus special ability bonus equivalents) higher than +5. An amulet of mighty fists does not need to have a +1 enhancement bonus to grant a melee weapon special ability.
Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Spells greater magic fang; Special creator’s caster level must be at least three times the amulet’s bonus, plus any requirements of the melee weapon special abilities; Cost 2,000 gp (+1), 8,000 gp (+2), 18,000 gp (+3), 32,000 gp (+4), 50,000 gp (+5)