Item Creation [ Notes from the Artificer ]
I don’t remember what the name of them were called, but back in the Chaos days there were magic cubes (similar to force cubes) that granted temporary hp to the player. If you remember what they were, can you post the specifics to them here?
Magnesti Platemail (of +1 to +5 in the old 2e dayz) is basically enchanted cloth that becomes as hard as platemail when its struck by anything pointed or with force… (kinda like how non-newtonian fluid like cornstarch liquid is soft when touched gradually but hard when struck forcefully).
that same base design was used when crafting Robes of Roland for the daughters… the original idea came from a series of novels called Guardians of the Flame which featured a Priestess of the Hand named Doria who had robes that worked like that
(but without the comm/vacuum/extradimensional storage abilities i added for the rolandites)
as far as “not available to standard crafting” - well the specialized ones networked together couldn’t be made by anyone not employed by the Church of Roland (for obvious reasons) but cloth that works like platemail could be fashioned by anyone with the requisite skills in weaving and enchanting armor. in ANY case, there’s precious few restrictions for ancients - who by and large can ignore crafting rules placed on lesser mortals…
as to the cubes, they were called Personal Cubes of Force (or PCFs) - and they created a forcefield effect over the skin that absorbed 100hp of incoming damage per dice “pip” they rolled. throw down and get lucky enough to roll a 6 and it’d absorb 600 damage before failing. they were first crafted by the outraged Ancient in Argopolis who grew offended that so many people were purchasing the technological-based Shield Spheres - so he one-upped the gizmos with an “improved” version that was magical based.
Shield Spheres were a one-shot item that blocked 200 hp of incoming damage from any source - weapon, spell, you name it… and retailed at 5k, produced in mass by the mountain of technodwarves ruled by Durst and Durania, his Hexwitch bride.
The ancient made his variable, providing up to 3x the absorption AND giving it the ability to self-repair if picked up by the user before it reached 0 HP (which would destroy it). the PCF retailed for 11k - which the ancient considered a bargain
(( the PCF would automagically self-repair itself once per day so long as it had at least one HP left ))
regardless, both vendors did a brisk trade in such items to adventurers of every type - as most would buy a few of each to hedge their bets against antimagic/deadmagic zones and effects (which wouldn’t stop tech items from operating).
Figurine of the Dwarven Forge
Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th; Slot none; Price 15,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
These stone and steel figurines depicting a forge and anvil are warm to the touch and give off a faint red glow. On command, the figurine enlarges to become a full-sized working forge with a magical fire burning within. The forge occupies a 10-foot-by- 5-foot area, and its transformation fails if sufficient space is unavailable. A second command word returns the forge to its original, miniature size.
When a magic scroll containing a single spell is tossed into the forge, the scroll is consumed in flame. Thereafter, the forge and anvil provide that spell for the use of magic item creation in conjunction with Craft Magic Arms and Armor. This allows the crafter to use the stored spell as a prerequisite for multiple magic items. If a new scroll is consumed in the forge’s flame, it replaces the current spell. A spell remains available for use indefinitely until replaced.
In addition, once per day, if touched to a melee weapon made primarily of metal as a standard action, the figurine grants that weapon the igniting special ability for 1 minute.
Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Spells flame blade, heat metal, shrink item; Cost 7,500 gp
Hammer of the Magesmith
This +1 warhammer is useful when creating other magic weapons. When used in the forging of another magical weapon, the hammer of the magesmith reduces the cost of the raw materials that must be supplied by 5%. This reduction applies only to the gold piece cost of materials, not the XP requirement. In addition, once per day the hammer of the magesmith can imbue another weapon with temporary magic power. This works exactly like the magic weapon spell from a 10th-level caster, including the requirement that the hammer of the magesmith touch its target.
Caster Level: 10th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, magic weapon; Market Price: 45,912 gp; Cost to Create: 23,112 gp + 1,824 XP.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide
Vest of the Arch Magi – MIC pg145
Price (Item Level): 200,000 gp (25th)
Body Slot: Torso
Caster Level: 20th
Aura: Strong; (DC 25) no school
Activation: — and swift (command)
Weight: 2 lb.This gold-brocaded, burgundy garment seems fit to be worn by the gods themselves.
The vest of the archmagi is legendary. It fills the dreams of every apprentice sent to clean the inkpots and dust the tomes, but rumors of this item are unfounded. Whispering in the bunk rooms of the Academy at night, after the oil lamps are quenched and curfew has long passed, eager apprentices claim that a vest of the arch magi provides its wearer with continuous defensive bonuses equivalent to the most potent bracers of armor (+8 armor bonus to AC) and cloak of resistance (+5 resistance bonus on saving throws). It is also said that the vest provides its wearer with the continuous ability to overcome the magical defenses of her enemies (+2 enhancement bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance), and that it allows him to recall up to three arcane spells that he had previously prepared and cast (as a pearl of power, except that it can be used for any spell up to 9th level and activating it requires only a swift action). Finally, it is suggested, the wearer of the vest of the archmagi could expend a prepared arcane spell or spell slot to heal himself of damage equal to five times the level of the spell so expended. This act requires but a moment’s thought (a swift action), and can be repeated as often as desired throughout the day.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, wish.
Cost to Create: 100,000 gp, 8,000 XP, 200 days. -
Belt of Battle
Price (Item Level): 12,000 gp (13th)
Body Slot: Waist
Price (Item Level): 20,000 gp (15th)
Aura: Moderate; (DC 19) transmutation
Activation: — and swift (mental)
Weight: —This leather belt bears a platinum buckle set with three small black pearls.
A belt of battle helps you avoid being caught off guard in combat and allows occasional bursts of extra activity. While worn, it grants you a +2 competence bonus on initiative checks. This is a continuous effect and requires no activation.
In addition, a belt of battle has 3 charges, which are renewed each day at dawn.
Each time you activate the belt, one of the black pearls set into its buckle turns white. The pearls return to normal when the ring’s charges renew. Spending 1 or more charges grants you an extra action, which must be taken immediately (before you take any other action).
1 charge: 1 move action.
2 charges: 1 standard action.
3 charges: 1 full-round action. -
Circlet of Rapid Casting – MIC pg86
Price (Item Level): 15,000 gp (14th)
Body Slot: Head
Caster Level: 11th
Aura: Moderate; (DC 20) transmutation
Activation: Swift (command)
Weight: —This golden circlet is engraved with dozens of
different symbols and runes.A circlet of rapid casting allows you to cast a small number of spells each day more quickly. This circlet has 3 charges, which are renewed each day at dawn. Spending 1 or more charges allows you to cast a single spell as part of the same swift action you used to activate the circlet. This spell must be one that normally has a casting time of no longer than 1 standard action. Doing this expends the prepared spell or spell slot as if you had cast the spell normally.
1 charge: Cast a single spell of up to 2nd level.
2 charges: Cast a single spell of up to 3rd level.
3 charges: Cast a single spell of up to 4th level.Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Quicken Spell.
Cost to Create: 7,500 gp, 600 XP, 15 days. -
@halfgiant said in Item Creation:
Circlet of Rapid Casting – MIC pg86
Price (Item Level): 15,000 gp (14th)
Body Slot: Head
Caster Level: 11th
Aura: Moderate; (DC 20) transmutation
Activation: Swift (command)
Weight: —This golden circlet is engraved with dozens of
different symbols and runes.A circlet of rapid casting allows you to cast a small number of spells each day more quickly. This circlet has 3 charges, which are renewed each day at dawn. Spending 1 or more charges allows you to cast a single spell as part of the same swift action you used to activate the circlet. This spell must be one that normally has a casting time of no longer than 1 standard action. Doing this expends the prepared spell or spell slot as if you had cast the spell normally.
1 charge: Cast a single spell of up to 2nd level.
2 charges: Cast a single spell of up to 3rd level.
3 charges: Cast a single spell of up to 4th level.Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Quicken Spell.
Cost to Create: 7,500 gp, 600 XP, 15 days.This item uses the low level variable cube.
Just double the original noted charges per casting. -
Kargin’s Mighty Wallop: This green halo ring allows the wearer to wield a bludgeoning melee weapon increasing the damage of the weapon by four size categories, without increasing the dimensions or weight of the weapon…
Moderate transmutation; CL 19th; Forge Ring, Mighty Wallop, Greater; Price 114,000 gp.
Cost Calculation:
Market Price (Use-activated or continuous) - Spell level (3) × caster level (19) × 2,000 gp = 114,000gpTable 2–2: Increasing Weapon Damage by Size
[Reference: DMG 3.5, Page 28]Can be found here: -
Belt of the Werebear
With an inhuman roar, your face extends and expands, and your hands enlarge into clawed paws. Powerful muscle builds under your skin, and you become a half-bear creature.
You gain a +16 enhancement bonus to Strength, a +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity, a +8 enhancement bonus to Constitution, and a +7 enhancement bonus to natural armor.
Your hands become claws, granting you two claw attacks, and your mouth becomes that of a bear, giving you a bite attack. You can attack with both claws at your full attack bonus, but your bite attack takes a –2 penalty (as if you had the Multiattack feat).
Each claw deals 1d8 points of damage (1d6 if you are Small) + your Str modifier, and your bite deals 2d8 points of damage (2d6 if you are Small) plus 1/2 your Str modifier.
You gain the benefits of the Blind-Fight and Power Attack feats, as well. If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, you do not gain any additional attacks.
Aura Strong Transmutation; CL 15th; Belt/Waist Slot; Craft Wondrous Item, Bite of The Werebear, Market Price 210,000 gp; Craft Price (before reducers) 105,000 gp, Weight 1.5 lb.
Cost Calculation:
Market Price (Use-activated or continuous) - Spell level (7) × caster level (15) × 2,000 gp = 210,000gp -
Staff of Passage
Aura strong varied; CL 17th; Slot none; Price 206,900 gp; Weight 5 lbs.DESCRIPTION
This potent item allows use of the following spells:
Dimension door (1 charge)
Passwall (1 charge)
Astral projection (2 charges)
Greater teleport (2 charges)
Requirements Craft Staff, astral projection, dimension door, greater teleport, passwall, phase door; Cost 115,950 gp
Staff of the Planes
Aura strong conjuration; CL 13th; Slot none; Price 63,960 gp; Weight 5 lbs.DESCRIPTION
This obsidian staff twinkles as if reflecting the star-filled sky at night. The staff allows use of the following spells:
Planar adaptation (1 charge) Planar binding (2 charges) Plane shift (5 charges)
If the staff of the planes is fully charged, the wielder can deliberately snap the staff, causing it do shatter into thousands of pieces but opening a gate to a plane of the wielder’s choice. This can only be used for planar travel, and the connection lasts for 1 minute, without requiring the wielder’s concentration. If used in this way, the staff cannot be repaired or restored.
Feats Craft Staff; Spells planar adaptation, planar binding, plane shift; Cost 31,980 gp.
Staff of Many Rays
Aura moderate evocation and necromancy; CL 11th; Slot none; Price 57,200 gp; Weight 5 lbs.DESCRIPTION
The elaborate swirls and delicate flecks of shining metal adorning the head of this pale wooden shaft make it seem almost as much a long mace as a staff. It allows use of the following spells:
Ray of enfeeblement (1 charge) Ray of exhaustion (1 charge) Scorching ray (1 charge) Enervation (2 charges) Disintegrate (3 charges)
Feats Craft Staff; Spells disintegrate, enervation, ray of enfeeblement, ray of exhaustion, scorching ray; Cost 28,600 gp.
Staff of Evocation
Evocation: Usually very smooth and carved from hickory, willow, or yew, this staff allows use of the following spells:
Magic missile (1 charge) Shatter (1 charge) Fireball (1 charge) Ice storm (2 charges) Wall of force (2 charges) Chain lightning (3 charges)
Strong evocation; CL 13th; Craft Staff, chain lightning, fireball, ice storm, magic missile, shatter, wall of force; Price 65,000 gp.
(( don’t forget to post source info, g… book and page nbr makes everyone’s life a lil easier ))
Ioun Blade
This +1 dagger can hold any one ioun stone in a special socket in its pommel. As long as the wielder holds the ioun blade, any stone held in the pommel affects her as if it were spinning around her head normally. Placing or removing an ioun stone from the socket is a move-equivalent action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, fabricate; Market Price: 6,302 gp; Cost to Create: 3,302 gp + 240 XP
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide
Grunond – Rorek’s Void Axe
Keen Morphing Sizing Called Large Great Axe +5Special Weapon Abilities
Keen - +1 Bonus
Called - +1 bonus;
Morphing - +1 bonus;
Sizing - +1 bonus;
Additional Weapon Modifications
[Gold Piece/XP cost. Enhancements do not contribute to overall enchantment bonus of Axe]Wand Chamber – 100gp; Not known by Rorek, was put there by his Artificer Brother Kargin, contains a Wand of Quickened Fireballs.
Prism Pale Green Ioun Stone – embedded into a special socket in the pommel, gaining the effects of the ioun stone while being wielded.
Design based upon premise of Ioun BladeClass Ability:
10E Fighter Ability – Weapon Wrapped in Void Energy
Bow of the Solars
This Large +2 mighty (+5) composite longbow turns any arrow it fires into a slaying arrow targeting any creature type the wielder chooses.
Caster Level: 13th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, finger of death; Market Price: 100,100 gp;
Cost to Create: 50,500 gp + 3,968 XP.[Reference: Arms and Equipment Guide, Page 102]
Called Nimbleness Adamantine Rorek (Dwarven) Plate +5 of Invulnerability
"While having left their old universe behind Rorek’s brother, Kargin an Artificer had discovered and learned the secrets of combining alloys with manacite fashioning more powerful armor with heavy enchantments that protect his Dwarven brother Rorek to this day. "
[From Page 90, Arms and Armor v3.5; Bastion Press]
Dwarven Plate: The pinnacle of dwarven armor¬smithing, this is the preferred armor of many dwarf paladins and knights. Without training in the use of such heavy armor, it is difficult to do anything other than walk while wearing dwarven plate.
[From Table 4.3 Heavy Armor, Page 89, Arms and Armor v3.5; Bastion Press]
Adamantine Dwarven plate
Cost 2,500 gp
Armor Bonis +10
Max Dex Bonus +2
Armor Check Penalty -6
Arcane Spell Failure 35%
30ft - 20 ft
20ft - 15 ft
Weight - 55 lb.
[From Table 4.7: DR by Armor; Page 09, Arms and Armor v3.5; Bastion Press]
Armor Armor Bonus DR
Dwarven plate +5 5/-
Magic Armor Abilities – Nimbleness
This type of armor feels lighter and less restrictive than other armor of its type. While the actual weight is unchanged, the maximum Dexterity bonus increases by +2 and the armor check penalty decreases by 1.
Caster Level: 8th
Requirements: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Cat’s Grace
Price: +1 bonus
Source: Magic Item Compendium
Magic Armor Abilities - Called
Price: +2,000 gp
Property: Armor or shield
Caster Level: 9th
Aura: Moderate; (DC 19) conjuration
Activation: Standard (command)
At first glance, this armor or shield looks like any other item of its kind. Closer inspection reveals a small image of a beckoning hand inscribed on its surface.
Provided that you and your called armor or shield are on the same plane, you can call it to you by speaking the proper command word, regardless of the intervening distance. If you aren’t wearing armor at the time, a suit of called armor appears on your body, as though you had donned it in the normal fashion. If you are wearing other armor when you speak the command word, the called armor appears in your space or in an adjacent space you designate that is capable of holding it. A called shield appears on the proper arm if you are not already using another shield when you call it, or in your space or a designated adjacent space if you are.
If any other creature has worn your called armor or shield since you last wore it, you can no longer call it until you wear it again.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, teleport.
Cost to Create: 1,000 gp, 80 XP, 2 days.
Source: Magic Item Compendium
Magic Armor Abilities – Invulnerability
This suit of armor grants the wearer damage reduction of 5/magic.
Aura: Strong abjuration and perhaps evocation (if miracle is used)
Caster Level: 18th
Requirements: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Stoneskin, Wish or Miracle
Price: +3 bonus
Source: Dungeon Master’s Guide v.3.5
Sadly like Rorek;'s Axe, Kargin had squirreled away yet another secret Wand Chamber* within Rorek’s armor, of course without his knowledge.
Armor Abilities - Wand Chamber*
A wand chamber is a thin, cylindrical slot on the handle of a weapon or the edge of a shield that can hold a single wand. When a wand is loaded in the chamber, it is considered ready and can be activated without having to drop the weapon or shield. Changing the wand in the chamber is a full-round action.
Wand in Chamber: Wand of Quickened Death Ward
Price: +100 gp
Source: Dungeonscape -
Universal Energy Resistance, Greater
This ring functions as a ring of greater energy resistance for all types of energy—fire, cold, electricity, acid, and sonic. When the wearer would normally take such damage, subtract 30 points of damage per round from the amount before applying.
Caster Level: 20th; Prerequisites: Forge Ring, Forge Epic Ring, protection from energy; Market Price: 308,000 gp; Cost to Create: 154,000 gp + 13,080 XP.