Item Creation [ Notes from the Artificer ]
Staff of Evocation
Evocation: Usually very smooth and carved from hickory, willow, or yew, this staff allows use of the following spells:
Magic missile (1 charge) Shatter (1 charge) Fireball (1 charge) Ice storm (2 charges) Wall of force (2 charges) Chain lightning (3 charges)
Strong evocation; CL 13th; Craft Staff, chain lightning, fireball, ice storm, magic missile, shatter, wall of force; Price 65,000 gp.
(( don’t forget to post source info, g… book and page nbr makes everyone’s life a lil easier ))
Ioun Blade
This +1 dagger can hold any one ioun stone in a special socket in its pommel. As long as the wielder holds the ioun blade, any stone held in the pommel affects her as if it were spinning around her head normally. Placing or removing an ioun stone from the socket is a move-equivalent action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, fabricate; Market Price: 6,302 gp; Cost to Create: 3,302 gp + 240 XP
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide
Grunond – Rorek’s Void Axe
Keen Morphing Sizing Called Large Great Axe +5Special Weapon Abilities
Keen - +1 Bonus
Called - +1 bonus;
Morphing - +1 bonus;
Sizing - +1 bonus;
Additional Weapon Modifications
[Gold Piece/XP cost. Enhancements do not contribute to overall enchantment bonus of Axe]Wand Chamber – 100gp; Not known by Rorek, was put there by his Artificer Brother Kargin, contains a Wand of Quickened Fireballs.
Prism Pale Green Ioun Stone – embedded into a special socket in the pommel, gaining the effects of the ioun stone while being wielded.
Design based upon premise of Ioun BladeClass Ability:
10E Fighter Ability – Weapon Wrapped in Void Energy
Bow of the Solars
This Large +2 mighty (+5) composite longbow turns any arrow it fires into a slaying arrow targeting any creature type the wielder chooses.
Caster Level: 13th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, finger of death; Market Price: 100,100 gp;
Cost to Create: 50,500 gp + 3,968 XP.[Reference: Arms and Equipment Guide, Page 102]
Called Nimbleness Adamantine Rorek (Dwarven) Plate +5 of Invulnerability
"While having left their old universe behind Rorek’s brother, Kargin an Artificer had discovered and learned the secrets of combining alloys with manacite fashioning more powerful armor with heavy enchantments that protect his Dwarven brother Rorek to this day. "
[From Page 90, Arms and Armor v3.5; Bastion Press]
Dwarven Plate: The pinnacle of dwarven armor¬smithing, this is the preferred armor of many dwarf paladins and knights. Without training in the use of such heavy armor, it is difficult to do anything other than walk while wearing dwarven plate.
[From Table 4.3 Heavy Armor, Page 89, Arms and Armor v3.5; Bastion Press]
Adamantine Dwarven plate
Cost 2,500 gp
Armor Bonis +10
Max Dex Bonus +2
Armor Check Penalty -6
Arcane Spell Failure 35%
30ft - 20 ft
20ft - 15 ft
Weight - 55 lb.
[From Table 4.7: DR by Armor; Page 09, Arms and Armor v3.5; Bastion Press]
Armor Armor Bonus DR
Dwarven plate +5 5/-
Magic Armor Abilities – Nimbleness
This type of armor feels lighter and less restrictive than other armor of its type. While the actual weight is unchanged, the maximum Dexterity bonus increases by +2 and the armor check penalty decreases by 1.
Caster Level: 8th
Requirements: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Cat’s Grace
Price: +1 bonus
Source: Magic Item Compendium
Magic Armor Abilities - Called
Price: +2,000 gp
Property: Armor or shield
Caster Level: 9th
Aura: Moderate; (DC 19) conjuration
Activation: Standard (command)
At first glance, this armor or shield looks like any other item of its kind. Closer inspection reveals a small image of a beckoning hand inscribed on its surface.
Provided that you and your called armor or shield are on the same plane, you can call it to you by speaking the proper command word, regardless of the intervening distance. If you aren’t wearing armor at the time, a suit of called armor appears on your body, as though you had donned it in the normal fashion. If you are wearing other armor when you speak the command word, the called armor appears in your space or in an adjacent space you designate that is capable of holding it. A called shield appears on the proper arm if you are not already using another shield when you call it, or in your space or a designated adjacent space if you are.
If any other creature has worn your called armor or shield since you last wore it, you can no longer call it until you wear it again.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, teleport.
Cost to Create: 1,000 gp, 80 XP, 2 days.
Source: Magic Item Compendium
Magic Armor Abilities – Invulnerability
This suit of armor grants the wearer damage reduction of 5/magic.
Aura: Strong abjuration and perhaps evocation (if miracle is used)
Caster Level: 18th
Requirements: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Stoneskin, Wish or Miracle
Price: +3 bonus
Source: Dungeon Master’s Guide v.3.5
Sadly like Rorek;'s Axe, Kargin had squirreled away yet another secret Wand Chamber* within Rorek’s armor, of course without his knowledge.
Armor Abilities - Wand Chamber*
A wand chamber is a thin, cylindrical slot on the handle of a weapon or the edge of a shield that can hold a single wand. When a wand is loaded in the chamber, it is considered ready and can be activated without having to drop the weapon or shield. Changing the wand in the chamber is a full-round action.
Wand in Chamber: Wand of Quickened Death Ward
Price: +100 gp
Source: Dungeonscape -
Universal Energy Resistance, Greater
This ring functions as a ring of greater energy resistance for all types of energy—fire, cold, electricity, acid, and sonic. When the wearer would normally take such damage, subtract 30 points of damage per round from the amount before applying.
Caster Level: 20th; Prerequisites: Forge Ring, Forge Epic Ring, protection from energy; Market Price: 308,000 gp; Cost to Create: 154,000 gp + 13,080 XP.
Quick Self Loading, Gravity - Crossbow, Dwarven Mauler
[DRAFT v.8]This Large +5 heavy crossbow is covered with dwarven runes, and the intricate stock has been carved to resemble the head of a hammer. Because of the crossbows increased size, and the bolts increased weight and density the dwarven mauler deals 4d6 points of piercing damage on a successful hit. This increase in size does not affect the time it takes to load the crossbow. Furthermore, against all giants and goblinoids, the dwarven mauler’s critical multiplier is increased to x4.
Along the stock of this crossbow, there are two thin hollow wand chambers allowing the wielder to trigger use of one or both of the wands in the chambers instead of firing a missile (based upon the Death-Wand Crossbow).
A self-loading crossbow accesses an extradimensional space that can hold up to 100 bolts, allowing the wielder to automatically reload the crossbow as a free action (if the wielder has the rapid reload feat, if not a move-action is required for reload.) Different types of bolts can be held in the extradimensional space, and the wielder may select freely from these when reloading the crossbow.
Caster Level: 16th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Gravity Bow, Animate Objects, Leomund’s Secret Chest, Shrink Item; creator must be a dwarf; Market Price: 124,000 gp; Cost to Create: 62,000 + 2,480 XP.
Source: Various (reference below)
Quick-Loading [+2 special ability] - [Arms and Equipment Guide Page 97]
Only crossbows can have this ability. A quick-loading crossbow accesses an extradimensional space that can hold up to 100 bolts, allowing the wielder to reload the crossbow more rapidly than normal. Reloading a hand or light crossbow is a free action (allowing a character with multiple attacks to make a full attack), and reloading a heavy crossbow is a move-equivalent action. Adding a bolt to or removing one from the extradimensional space by hand requires a move-equivalent action. The extradimensional space can hold different types of bolts, and the wielder may select freely from these when reloading the crossbow.
Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Leomund’s secret chest, shrink item; Market Price: +2 bonus.Self-Loading Crossbow [+2 special ability]– [Arms and Equipment Guide Page 117]
This +1 heavy crossbow is much easier to load than mundane crossbows. After firing, the crossbow’s string is magically
reset to the cocked position, requiring the wielder to simply place a bolt in the weapon to load it. Loading a self-loading crossbow requires only a move equivalent action.
If the wielder has the Rapid Reload feat described in Sword and Fist, loading a self-loading crossbow is a free action, and the weapon does not restrict the wielder’s ability to make multiple attacks in a round.
Caster Level: 10th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, animate objects; Market Price: 12,350 gp; Cost to Create: 6,350 gp + 480 XP. -
Source: Ultimate Equipment pg. 176, PRPG Core Rulebook pg. 479
Aura strong universal CL 20th
Slot ring; Price 120,000 gp; Weight —Description
This ring is set with three rubies. Each ruby stores a wish spell, activated by the ring. When a wish is used, that ruby disappears. For a randomly generated ring, roll 1d3 to determine the remaining number of rubies. When all the wishes are used, the ring becomes a nonmagical item.Construction Requirements Forge Ring, miracle or wish; Cost 97,500 gp
Armbands of Resilience
[Reference: Mongoose, Ultimate Magic Items, Page 99]These items always come in pairs; both must be worn to gain any benefit from their magic. Crafted from adamantine, armbands of resilience are generally unadorned, save for a circular inscription of magical runes along both rims. When worn, they render the wearer immune to constitution damage of any sort, stunning affects, daze affects, and death by massive damage. The wearer suffers normal damage from coup de grace attempts, but cannot be slain outright by them as the armbands of resilience automatically allow him to succeed at the required Fortitude save for survival.
If the wearer is taken to -1 or fewer hit points but not slain outright, he automatically stabilises and regenerates 1 hit point per round until he returns to 1 hit point. The armbands do not heal further than this, but there is no limit to the number of times per day they can bring back a wearer from negative hit points. If the wearer is ever brought to -10 hit points, the magic of the armbands cannot save him.Faint Abjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Items, bear’s endurance, cure minor wounds or vampiric touch, 5+ ranks in Heal; Price 33,500gp.
This adamantine rod allows the wielder to store a complete set of battle regalia and recall it with a moment’s notice. When fully armed and armored, the bearer of this rod can instantly remove her armor and weapons, storing them magically within the rod. Anytime thereafter, the bearer can use the power of the rod to put on her armor and wield her weapons instantaneously. If the bearer is wearing armor or weapons when she calls armor back from the rod, then that armor or weapons are swapped with those within the rod. Using the rod to store or retrieve armor and weapons is a standard action.
Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Craft Rod, shrink item; Price 15,000 gp.
Source: Heroes of Battle -
“I have something similar used to swap out organs and body-parts on the fly. Saves ever so much time stitching up skin and tissue !! Why d’ja build it into a rod, tho ? Necklace works better, especially when you build it to clamp into the skin…”
Ring of Death Ward
This ring continuously grants its wearer the protection of the death ward spell.
Moderate abjuration; CL 7th; Forge Ring, death ward; Price 60,000 gp; Weight -.
Source: Dragon #342 -
Crossbow, Deathwand
The two thin hollows in this +2 light crossbow’s stock have a magical affinity with wands. The wielder of the deathwand crossbow is considered to be holding either of the wands when she wields the crossbow, and she can use either wand normally without letting go of the crossbow. Removing or stowing a wand in the crossbow takes a move-equivalent action. If the crossbow is destroyed, any wands it holds are also destroyed.
Caster Level: 11th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Leomund’s secret chest; Market Price: 10,335 gp; Cost to Create: 5,335 gp + 400 XP.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide
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Magic Weapon Abilities - Surge I
A surge weapon is valuable to 10e characters and other creatures that can enter into a Adrenalin surge. When the wielder is surging, the weapon’s enhancement bonus increases by +2.
Caster Level: 13th
Requirements: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Adrenaline Surge I
Price: +1 bonus——
Magic Weapon Abilities - Surge II
A surge weapon is valuable to 10e characters and other creatures that can enter into a Adrenalin surge. When the wielder is surging, the weapon’s enhancement bonus increases by +2 and adds 1d8 damage to each weapon hit.
Caster Level: 13th
Requirements: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Adrenaline Surge II
Price: +2 bonus