Metamagic Feat: Heighten Spell
@halfgiant Because of the restriction of HD and how we have changed multiclassing, this feat no longer works they same assuming you are a balanced caster (ie 10clr/10wiz).
I agree we have complicated this feat with the house way of multi-classing. If you look at Kargin (for purposes of an example) he will be a 11 cleric/9 artificer in 3.5 plus. Normally this would be a 20 HD character but we multi-class in a different way from the traditional rules, in the Daerma system, my suggestion, since he is really is a 13HD character level - since his total exp should equate to that. So for the purposes of the Practiced Spellcaster if this feat was taken for a 11th level cleric side of the 11cleric/9artificer character that has 13HD worth of exp, he could then theoretically get only a +2 (vs a +4 from the feat) because he would hit the 13HD ceiling.
We can play it differently, just my suggestion.
Just ran the math and Practiced Spellcaster as mentioned would let you have the full +4 always if you were dual classed with balanced levels, once you were 11/11. Prior to that your XP total would restrict you to +3.
So it is a valid way to handle it.
I still think the modification to Heighten as mentioned above is still valid. Simply because straight up single class casters wouldn’t gain any benefit at all from the practiced spellcaster feat. Just need to make sure both feats can’t be used to stack off each other.
I think that adding the restriction that Heighten cannot take a spell to be more than your HD+4 would clarify that, same as Practiced Spellcaster.
I’ll wait a few days for any other feedback or thoughts before moving to full house rules.
aye - but with the free 5 levels of Fcheatmaster doesn’t this just bump the said 11/11 to a 15th lvl caster ? or 19th lvl caster if taken twice ?
(( meaning practiced spellcaster fcheat, obviously ))
<< crickets >> herro ?? buehler ?
hmmm… rereading it, i think i answered my own question… being 10/9/5/5, taking Practiced Spellcaster 3 times (once for each of my casting classes) would make my ECL (effective caster level) 14/13/9/5… bumping my damage dice, spell penetration and other assorted and sundry efx… right ???
@dwarf I believe that is correct, its your effective cast level, but i don’t think it gives you access to spells beyond what your natural level for that class is.
So it should increase the damage of a spell d6 per level sort of thing, it should make the DC saves against it more difficult, etc…
Nice little feat.