Armbands of Resilience
Armbands of Resilience
[Reference: Mongoose, Ultimate Magic Items, Page 99]These items always come in pairs; both must be worn to gain any benefit from their magic. Crafted from adamantine, armbands of resilience are generally unadorned, save for a circular inscription of magical runes along both rims. When worn, they render the wearer immune to constitution damage of any sort, stunning affects, daze affects, and death by massive damage. The wearer suffers normal damage from coup de grace attempts, but cannot be slain outright by them as the armbands of resilience automatically allow him to succeed at the required Fortitude save for survival.
If the wearer is taken to -1 or fewer hit points but not slain outright, he automatically stabilises and regenerates 1 hit point per round until he returns to 1 hit point. The armbands do not heal further than this, but there is no limit to the number of times per day they can bring back a wearer from negative hit points. If the wearer is ever brought to -10 hit points, the magic of the armbands cannot save him.
Faint Abjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Items, bear’s endurance, cure minor wounds or vampiric touch, 5+ ranks in Heal; Price 33,500gp.