Dwarf Edition: 10e Thief
updated gear straight from @dwarf I am sure this will be tweaked, but out here for all to see/comment…
10e - new thief gear. strengths are generally minor (efx lvl 1-3), major (efx lvl 4-5), extreme (efx lvl 6-7), or epic (efx lvl 8-10)
General items :
Antimagic curtain - nearly invisible netting which blocks incoming spells - normally used to protect friendly casters or hide
Hole drill - as you might imagine, this is used to silently drill peepholes in walls and doors
Lockpicks - hasn’t changed since the days of basic
Regeneration patch - alchemical restorative triggers self-regeneration, healing 4d8+14 damage as it regrows and returns the body to its formerly whole state.
Regenerrection patch - exceedingly rare restorative that can actually reactivate dead cells and return someone to life, limning them in a golden glow during the 15 minute process.
Spellfurnace lantern - miniaturized Spellfurnace allows the rogue to recharge his items in the field by feeding it magic items, which are consumed (place the lantern atop the item to be charged, feed magical items/devices into the top and the lantern condenses and purifies the energy which streams out below)
Sustenance patch - combination of vitamins and stimulants provides instant rest and abates hunger for 12 hours
Telescoping mirror - small metal hand mirror on telescoping rod
Wound patch, minor - alchemical restorative gives you back 1d8+1 HP
Wound patch, major - alchemical restorative gives you back 2d10+10 HP
Wound patch, extreme - alchemical restorative gives you back 5d10+10 HP
Wound patch, epic - alchemical restorative gives you back 20d10+20
X-ray loupe (radioactive) - lets the thief see outlines and skeletons thru clothing, doors and other solid objects less than 6" thickImplantables : (most have a standard effective duration of 1 turn / 10 rounds)
Charm : Corrupt Summmoning (strength) - causes summoned creatures to attack summoner, opening a hole in protective magics that might prevent this
Charm : Cursed Blinking - one of the more annoying implantables, this fetish triggers in the midst of its wearer’s action, usually at the worst possible moment. fighters blink sideways behind their friend when they crit, wizards blink facing the wall as their spell goes off, clerics blink over to touch and heal an opponent. and its always comical when someone blinks upside down in midair…
Charm : Deprotection (value) - causes a penalty to AC and saving throws for the wearer
Charm : Energy Vulnerability - renders wearer especially vulnerable to whatever energy type matches the charm (double damage, though resistance would grant a 50% reprieve and former immunity would just cancel out to normal damage)
Charm : Fumbler - crafted from the bones of Luck Eaters, this charm causes the wearer to fumble his weapon every time he attacks unsuccessfully and misses his target. also known as the Butterfingers Charm.
Charm : Orbsight - this tiny fetish shifts the ocular inputs of the target to an all-encompassing overhead view of the battlefield… might prove useful to a general, but to a combatant its a disaster, as each of his attacks are targeted randomly (trying to gauge distance and intent from an eagles point of view, while still in control of your doll-like arms and legs is quite, quite disorienting)
Charm : Steel to rubber - equally effective on weapons and armor, nothing is more amusing to see a warrior trying to kill another with a rubber two-handed swordAntimagic bead - pearl sized gemstone that radiates 5’r antimagic for 10 rounds, typically hidden on enemy spellcasters
Bondo Quickweld Metal Paste - a favorite item for combating platemail, this paste instantly fuses two metal surfaces together. rogues are particularly fond of using this on the rear brim of helmets as they spin ‘em around backwards, slathering it inside a tin bucket or applying it to scabbards before battle.
Contact explosive - a popular item to drop in backpacks and hanging hoods, this small sphere of unstable compounds detonates for 2d6 damage and blows the victim 20’ in a random direction. Can also be triggered by impact.
Dimensional Claymore - FRONT TOWARD ENEMY, only once activated its intangible until detonation. Any creature possessing magic, even a potion or running cantrip, makes its ghostly form begin to solidify as it draws near - detonating with a fire and shrapnel explosion (other energy types do exist) for 8d6 fire and 8d6 kinetic damage.
Dimensional Keyhole - looking like a pair of 4x4 inch patches of black cloth, these are favored by rogue/assassins because anything passing into one patch instantly emerges from the other. typically hidden inside clothing or bedclothes, they make backstabbing something you can deploy from the comfort of your hidey hole (typically stuck to a wall or target dummy on the rogue side)
Expired Firebreath Potion - poured in your enemies food or drink, or merely swapped out for one of their healing potions, this spoiled potion turns them into a painfully shortlived bottle rocket as flames erupt out of whatever orifice they clench least. 10d10 damage, no save.
Grenade : Ink Thinner - wanna see a wizard cry ? Drop this in his backpack or near his spellbook/scrolls. 10’ radius misty burst guaranteed to coat everything he holds dearest. Wiser mages will start wrapping their books in wineskins from now on.
Magnet, Monster - can be used offensively or defensively, draws 90% of monster attacks (if possible, obviously) to the wearer. defensively, you can put it on your tank to keep heat off the casters - if they can take it, that is.
Magnet, Vermin - like stinkbait for catfish, this attracts any and all bugs, rodents and pests in a 200’ radius to the victim. Especially potent when used with bee/hornet/chigger grenades.
Magnet, weapon - draws ANY airborne weapon matching its type to the body of the victim, in typical squishy fashion - nullifying both criticals and fumbles (unless the crit was already aimed at the victim). attacks matching the magnet type gain an effective +4 to hit.
Micro-ioun stone : Spell Nullifier - tiny compacted crystal of concentrated antimagic nullify the next 10 levels of spells generated/cast by the victim
Silenced sulphur - common fireball spellcasting component treated with Oil of Silence - causing the mage to go utterly quiet until he manages to remove the oil from his hands
Unholy symbol - radiates enough unholy energy to prevent good-aligned priests from accessing spells higher than 2nd lvl. no effect on evil casters, obviously.Weapons :
Arrow, animator - affects target struck with Animate Object effect, which targets closest being and attacks for 6 rounds. particularly fun to use on fighters in platemail
Arrow, hellfire - 10d6 points of burn, half infernal and half elemental.
Arrow, of the ram - 3d10 kinetic damage, plus equal number of feet knocked back/away from archer. fun on bridges
Arrow, potion killer - basically a powerful sonic explosion (5’r) that’s tuned too high for humanoid ears, shatters all types of glass and weak crystal (decanters and the like) as well as cracks/pops small stoppered containers like wine bottles. guaranteed to earn you an asskicking if used in taverns.
Arrow, slow - counters haste efx or slows target struck as per spell (single move OR std attack action, -1 to atk, AC and DEX saves, half move rate)
Arrow, transparent - nearly invisible shaft makes it damn near impossible to see/track in flight… and thus, determine the location of the shooter
Arrowhead, burrowing : death beetle - weaker cousins of the Agony Beetle, the death beetle burrows under the skin deep into the muscles of a living host, where it exudes a necrotizing agent that causes a loss of 1 DEX point per round. Typically, unless a target can kill or dig out the parasitic beetle in the first 6 rounds, it won’t have enough fine muscle control left to do so later. If a target reaches 0 dex, he’s necrotic enough to expire. Note : healing efx, even big ohm merely heals the wound and damage - resetting the countdown to destruction, as the beetle remains alive and well inside the host >:)
Arrowhead, burrowing : green slime - this aggressive strain of green slime (from 2e) spreads like wildfire in biotissue, converting a creature to slime in d4 rounds unless burned away or destroyed with cure disease efx
Arrowhead, burrowing : kyuss worm - this evil of evils releases a kyuss worm into the hosts bloodstream - where it reaches the brain of the host in d4 rounds and devours INT points until it kills the host, which instantly converts to a Son of Kyuss. Particularly effective with INT poisons, but sometimes backfires because they still see the thief as FOOD
Autogarrote - loop of silk you drop over target’s head or other sensitive area. snaps closed and begins to squeeze w/str of 20
Creeping Ice, flask - one of the immobilizers, causes flash freezing as ice crawls up a target. Must make 3 successful DC15 STR checks or be encapsulated, 3d8 dam/rnd
Grenade, bee - releases a small cloud of angry bees on target, doing 1d6 damage for 3 rounds
Grenade, chigger - concentration check to do anything but scratch for 1 round, 5’r
Grenade, flash - fort save, DC or be blinded for 2 rounds. 20’r
Grenade, hornet - releases medium cloud of angry hornets, 1d6 damage for 5 rounds to target and all in 10’r
Grenade, web - creates a sticky, gluey mess on target creature/space and each square surrounding it. efx as spell Web
Grenade, diminution - affects everyone in a 10’r with a shrinking effect - Fort save or lose a size category
Grenade, scorpion - disburses ball of 10 small scorpions onto solitary target, which attack for d4 rounds @ d2 damage + d2 CON damage, poison dc 12 (p287-MM)
Grenade, slippery - thoroughly greases all targets in 10’r - dex check to move or act for next 4 rounds. targets cannot be grappled
Grenade, visibility - creates a 20’r cloud of glowing dust, which coats all targets visible or not
Powder, choking - a flask of this powder, when thrown at a target or spread in the air, creates a 20’r cloud of throat-tickling fibers that prevent breathing or speech (DC 20 CON) for 3 rounds REGARDLESS if the target leaves the cloud (they persist in hair and clothing). immersion or breathing thru a damp cloth works, tho
Shuriken, cursed - a popular toy to use on boss monsters, the cursed shuriken works as a thrown weapon OR implantable. stick it in their shield, or hide it under their backpack… still takes effect. common curses are : inability to find sought-after gear (or where is the potion ?), having allies step in the way of your swings, inability to sleep (and regain spells), inability to magically heal, and my personal favorite : persistent flammability (where every flame near you makes you catch fire). actually, ALL cursed items are valuable to 10e thieves - being magical in nature, they’re suppressed while YOU hold it. drop it on someone you don’t like and a few rounds later, they’re having a bad day
Shuriken, unflying - great for using on dragons, nullifies their ability to get or stay airborne for d10 rounds.Poisons : most are standard 2e poisons, with their common name listed off to the right. new ones are :
Gaseous Form - pour it on your arrow and turn people into farts. no additional damage, but removes them effectively from combat. lasts 3d8 rounds
Unheroism - causes temporary XP loss, 1d4 levels worth for 2d10 rounds
Superunheroism - like unheroism but 1d6+1 levels worth for 2d10 rounds
Vulnerability to weapon type - removes invulnerability or causes weapons of that type to do extra 4 points of damage per hit -
ok, class table posted in first post.
General Items Cost (GP) Character Level hole drill 5 1 lockpicks 20 1 telescoping mirror 5 1 wound patch 40 1 X-ray loupe (radioactive) 600 5 sustenance patch (as ring) 400 6 Spellfurnace Lantern 2000 8 regen patch 1200 10 Antimagic curtain 2000 12 Implantables Cost (GP) Character Level ---------------------------------------------- ----------- ----------------- Charm : deprotection -1 200 1 silenced sulphur 100 1 Unholy symbol 20 1 vermin magnet 50 1 Charm : corrupt summoning (low) 400 3 contact explosive 250 3 Charm : deprotection -2 500 4 Charm : cursed blinking 750 5 Charm : fumbler 750 5 Charm : orbsight 600 5 Charm : vulnerability (energy) 600 5 Micro-ioun stone : spell nullifier (10 lvls) 600 5 arrow magnet 500 6 bolt magnet 500 6 bondo quickweld metal paste 750 6 dagger magnet 500 6 shuriken magnet 500 6 axe magnet 1000 8 Charm : corrupt summoning (med) 1000 8 Charm : deprotection -3 1200 8 Charm : steel to rubber 1200 8 Expired firebreath potion (ouch) 1000 8 Grenade : Ink Thinner (evil !) 750 8 missile magnet 1000 8 sword magnet 1000 8 antimagic bead 1500 10 Dimensional claymore 1500 10 Dimensional keyhole 1500 10 monster magnet 1500 10 Charm : deprotection -4 1500 11 Charm : corrupt summoning (hi) 1500 12 Charm : deprotection -5 2000 14 Charm : corrupt summoning (epic) 2500 16 Weapons Cost (GP) Character Level Arrow : transparent 1 1 Grenade : bee 20 1 Grenade : chigger 15 1 Grenade : flash 25 1 Grenade : hornet 20 1 Grenade : web 50 1 Oil : faerie fire 50 1 Powder : itching 20 1 Powder : sneezing 15 1 Sovereign glue : pellet 25 1 Grenade : diminution 400 3 Grenade : scorpion 200 3 Grenade : slippery 150 3 Grenade : visibility 200 3 Arrow : animator 250 5 Arrow : slow 400 5 autogarrote 750 5 burrowing arrowhead : death beetle 750 5 burrowing arrowhead : green slime 750 5 burrowing arrowhead : kyuss worm 750 5 Creeping ice : flask 350 5 Powder : choking 500 5 Shuriken : cursed 600 5 Shuriken : unflying 750 5 Arrow : hellfire 1000 8 Arrow : of the ram (see ring) 750 8 Arrow : potion killer 2000 15 Poisons : Cost (GP) Character Level Creature --------------------------------------------- ----------- ----------------- -------------- Poison : Type A (inject, 15/0) 25 1 argenith Poison : Type G (ingest, 15/0) 15 1 gorgon Poison : Type K (contact, 5/0) 25 1 kirrist Poison : Type L (contact, 10/0) 35 1 lamias touch Poison : Type B (inject, 20/d3) 35 3 balor Poison : Type C (inject, 25/2d4) 75 3 cavalin Poison : Type D (inject, 30/2d6) 100 3 darkblade Poison : Type H (ingest, 20/10) 25 3 hydralin Poison : Type I (ingest, 30/15) 75 3 impspit Poison : Type M (contact, 20/5) 75 3 manticore Poison : gaseous form 750 5 Poison : Type F (inject, death/0) 400 5 fatherland Poison : Type O (inject, paraly) 400 5 orann Poison : Type S (inject, sleep – save @ -4) 500 5 sandarin Poison : unheroism 500 5 Poison : vulnerability bludgeoning 600 5 Poison : vulnerability piercing 600 5 Poison : vulnerability slashing 600 5 Poison : Type E (inject, death/20) 600 6 Eldaran Poison : Type J (ingest, death/20) 400 6 jalaxin Poison : Type N (contact, death/25) 1000 6 nightshade Poison : super-unheroism 900 8 Poison : Type P (inject, debilit) V V palanti -
Needs to come up with some kind of opposed roll for the thief encountering an active protection such as stone skin, globe of invulnerability, protection from X, etc.
we also need to figure out how far out the Anti Magical field radiates
" they radiate so much antimagic" is it 1/9000 of an inch ? 9000 miles ??
would also like some clearing up on “Kinetic Diffusion” since falling is something that will probably happen often to the thief.
@daermadm said in Dwarf Edition: 10e Thief:
I take it this is in reference to how anti-magical the 10e thief is? I did have a questions about that is the antimagic-ness of the 10e thief a field, or is it limited to his being (ie. touch). And does when he picks up the weapon does that antimagic extend to his sickle or does the field wrap around the 10e thief and his gear.
Wasn’t sure how that worked.
@halfgiant said in Dwarf Edition: 10e Thief:
Wasn’t sure how that worked.
No one is and thus the question.
sounds like a good question to raise at the Temple !
Well since I am at the temple here is my ideas
In the case of stone skin each melee attack that makes contact removes 1D4 Stone skin +1 for every level of the thief halved, an example would be Leo a 20th level thief would remove on each successful attack 1D4+3 ( same as if a 10th level caster casted 2E stone skin which if Im not mistaking is 1D4 +1 for every two levels ) .Distance of Anti Magic field (just spit balling here ) 1 foot +1 foot for every 5 levels , as the Thief grows in power so does his field of anti magic ( a blessing when fighting magic users a curse when your wizard or cleric friends try to cast a counter spell )
Speed that anti magic works … Fuck I don’t know?? you should all be happy I came up with two fairly decent ideas LOL
Because it has not come up yet and I know it will.
What happens when the Thief’s anti magic meets up with an anti magic spell of some sorts ( “Anti Magic spells” I believe these fall under the definition of Oxymoron ) -
So having talked about the thiefs ability to focus his anti magic at runes would they then be able to drop in behinde a magic user in stealth and focus his energy towards them ?
Could this ability possiabley be a learned ability with level ? And whats the deal with stoneskins we ever get that worked out amd set in stone ??And his true wish ability at will ( maybe you were not drunk enough for me to pull that one off yet