Rorek - Charge Notes
Magic Weapon Abilities - Valorous
A valorous weapon allows its wielder to make powerful charge attacks. When used in a charge, the valorous weapon deals double damage, much like a mounted warrior with the Spirited Charge feat. More than one doubling of damage increases the damage multiple by one per additional doubling, so double-double damage is triple damage, triple-double damage is quadruple damage, and so on.Caster Level: 12th
Requirements: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, righteous might
Price: +1 bonus
Unapproachable East -
Powerful Charge
( Miniatures Handbook, p. 27)[Fighter Bonus Feat, General]
You can charge with extra force.
base attack bonus +1, Medium or larger,Required for
Greater Powerful charge (MH) ,Benefit
When you charge, if your melee attack hits, it deals an extra 1d8 points of damage (if you’re Medium). For Large creatures, the extra damage is 2d6; for Huge, 3d6; for Gargantuan, 4d6; and for Colossal, 6d6. This feat works only when you make a charge. It does not work when you’re mounted. If you have the ability to make multiple attacks on a charge, you may apply this extra damage to only one of those attacks in a round.Special
A fighter may select Powerful Charge as one of his fighter bonus feats -
Greater Powerful charge
( Miniatures Handbook, p. 27)[Fighter Bonus Feat, General]
You can charge with extra force.
Powerful Charge (MH) , base attack bonus +4, Medium or larger,Benefit
As Powerful Charge, but treat yourself as one size category larger than you are. For Colossal creatures, the extra 6d6 points of damage bonus becomes 8d6.Special
A fighter may select Greater Powerful Charge as one of his fighter bonus feats. -
Leap Attack
( Complete Adventurer, p. 110)[General]
You can combine a powerful charge and a mighty leap into one devastating attack.
Power Attack (PH) , Jump 8 ranks,Benefit
You can combine a jump with a charge against an opponent. If you cover at least 10 feet of horizontal distance with your jump, and you end your jump in a square from which you threaten your target, you deal +100% the normal bonus damage from your use of the Power Attack feat. If you use this tactic with a two-handed weapon, you instead triple the extra damage from Power Attack.This attack must follow all the normal rules for using the Jump skill and for making a charge, except that you ignore rough terrain in any squares you jump over.
Had a paladin in anothe campaign with charging smite and some other feats. Was quite devastating.
Power Lunge
( Enemies and Allies, p. 50)
Your ferocious attack may catch an opponent unprepared.
Prerequisite: Power Attack (PH) , Base attack bonus +3,Benefit
A successful attack roll during a charge allows you to inflict double your normal Strength modifier in addition to the attack’s damage. You provoke an attack of opportunity from the opponent you charged. -
Charge Attack Notes
Revised: 2.0
Strength (Damage calculation): 18 (Base) + 2 (Racial) + 4 (4 ability score improvements) + 6 (Belt of Giant Strength) + 6 (Adrenalin Surge)
Strength w/o Surge: 30 (+10); Strength w/ Surge: 36 (+13) damage with a weapon that you are wielding two-handed, you add 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus.
Two-Handed Weapon (1.5 damage modifier): Strength Damage: +13, @1.5x = +20
Wielding a Weapon Two-Handed Rule: To-Hit Bonus: BAB: 16 + Str: 13 + Weapon Specialization: 4 + Feat: 1 + Weapon Enchantment: 3 = +37 to hit
Total Damage Bonus: Str: 20 + Weapon Specialization: 4 + Feat: 1 + Weapon Enchantment: 3 = +28 to hitPower Attack : -10 to Hit; +10 to Damage (x2 for two-handed weapon) = +20 to Damage
Power Attack: To-Hit Bonus: +37 to hit (-10 Power Attack) = +27 to hit
Total Damage Bonus: +28 Damage (+20 Power Attack/2H Weapon) = +48 Damage Charge: Add extra damage to your charge.
Medium: 1d8, Large: 2d6, Huge: 3d6, Gargantuan:4d6 , Colossal: 6d6 Axe (Weapon Damage) – (x3 CRIT);
Weapon Size: Medium 1d12, Large 3d6, Huge 4d6, Gargantuan 6d6, Colossal 8d6.
Medium: 1d12 Base Weapon Damage Powerful Charge: Increase one size category higher: Moves Medium to Large.
** 3d6 (Great Axe, Large) + 38(Total Damage Bonus) + 2d6 (Powerful Charge for large character) Attack: +100% normal bonus damage from power attack feat, if using a two-handed weapon triple the extra damage; Power Attack Modifier (10 from above) x3 = +30
- 3d6 (Great Axe, Large)
- 48(Total Damage Bonus)
- 2d6 (Powerful Charge; Character Large from Greater Powerful Charge)
- 30 (Leap Attack)
Leap Attack:
Power Lunge: Double your strength modifier
- 3d6 (Great Axe, Large)
- 48(Total Damage Bonus)
- 2d6 (Powerful Charge; Character Large from Greater Powerful Charge)
- 30 (Leap Attack)
+13 (Power Lunge - str modifier excluding the 1.5 mod from two-handed weapon)
Valorous (Magic Weapon Ability): Weapon deals double damage
- 3d6 (Great Axe, Large) + 3d6 (Valorous, Magic Weapon Ability)
- 48(Total Damage Bonus)
- 2d6 (Powerful Charge for Large character)
- 30 (Leap Attack)
+13 (Power Lunge - str modifier excluding the 1.5 mod from two-handed weapon)
10E Fighter Elemental Spirit – Damage:
- 3d6 (Great Axe, Large) + 3d6 (Valorous, Magic Weapon Ability)
- 48 (Total Damage Bonus)
- 2d6 (Powerful Charge; Character Large from Greater Powerful Charge)
- 30 (Leap Attack)
+13 (Power Lunge - str modifier excluding the 1.5 mod from two-handed weapon) - 5d10 (Energy Spirit)
Rorek Charge: 3d6 + 3d6 + 48 + 2d6 + 30 + 13 + 5d10
as i don’t think Cloud is conscious yet after seeing that writeup, let me offer this :
point the first : ability score bumps in 3.5e are 1 point every 4 levels (line 7), not 2 - so your total STR is prolly 4 points lower
point the second : valorous weapon, being a +1 effect, would not have the balls to double every ruddy damage boostchewing it thru the big dwarven library, loosing the Rorik Axeblast
above give you one attack at the end of a double move, triggering an AoO against you at your normal AC -2, at :
charge attack bonus of = bab 1 (-15 power atk) + str 13 + grandmaster 4 + enchant 3 + feat 1
or +22 totaland total max damage output = 6d6 base valorous + 2d6 (greater pcharge) + 5d10 (energyspirit) + str 19 (2-h so 13*1.5) + lunge 19 + powerleap 45 + grandmaster 4 + enchant 3 + feat 1
or 8d6 + 5d10 + 91 on the first charge hit, dropping to 6d6 + 5d10 + 91 if you somehow hit more than once(( you don’t even wanna know the 3x crit output, cloud - lemme know if you need a few slightly used Abyssal Fire Titans to slow him down with
here was my notez :
so using a large greataxe, eh - so its base damage is 3d6, and your to his is BAB (16) + str bonus () + weapon grandmaster (4) + fcheat 1 + weapon bonus (3)
ability bumps are 1 point every 4 lvls, which should make your STR 30 (+10) or 36 (+13) w/adrenaline surge II for 6 rounds o’ the combat
charge = lets you 2x your move ending in a single melee attack w/+2 to hit in exchange for a -2 ac penalty
power lunge - provoke an AoO to double your str damage modifier on your charge attack
powerful charge = ONE melee atk gets extra 1d8 damage (at rorik’s size cat of M)
greater pcharge = bumps that up to 2d6 (as if you were a large creature)power atk = exchange to hit bonus (up to BAB) for damage bonus on a 1:1 basis, 1:2 if using 2-h weapon
leap atk = combine charge and jump to shift power atk bonus up to 1:2 basis, or 1:3 if using 2-h weaponvalorous weapon = double base weapon damage when used in a charge
misc damage mods = grandmastery (4), feat (1), weap enchantment (3)
energy spirit (5d10) -
Saving for a future implementation:
Lion’s Charge
(Savage Species)Transmutation
Level: Druid 1, Sorcerer 2, Wizard 2, Spellthief 2,
Components: V, S, M,
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)You provide the subject with the powerful charging ability of the lion.
When the subject charges, he can make a full attack in the same round.
Material Component: A hair from a lion’s mane. -
LOL !! can’t wait to see Kargin chasing around Nedok with a pair of clippers when we get home ! or a disgruntled and denuded Deathkitty
holy war, cloud ???