Gold Piece for a Poor Artificer? [clink clink clink]...Will work for Beer.
So this poor artificer is going to need to pimp himself out and start creating items to sell. So he can get some cash to build the stuff he wants to use.
Is there a ratio used in the 3.5/d20/V’Ral verse for selling items created by a character. Versus selling items found in the normal course of adventuring?
@halfgiant said in Gold Piece for a Poor Artificer? [clink clink clink]...Will work for Beer.:
So this poor artificer is going to need to pimp himself out and start creating items to sell. So he can get some cash to build the stuff he wants to use.
Is there a ratio used in the 3.5/d20/V’Ral verse for selling items created by a character. Versus selling items found in the normal course of adventuring?
When are you going to adventure?
Or have you worked out some math on affording to buy or create a time dilated portable mansion?
So, crafting for cash will come down to a randomized roll. Common magic items sold near retail should sell with a good chance.
As items become less common and/or costs increase, the odds of having a handy buyer go down.
If you open your own shop, charge retail, and pay a shop keeper (assuming you are adventuring), you can expect to move most gear eventually for the full retail cost.
Ongoing costs of running the shop would be low and paying the shop keeper, well it would be something we have to work out. A solid lore posting or in game interaction would be the driver there.
@daermadm Ohh i’ve pretty much abandoned the idea of a time dilated portable mansion, may revisit it once in Epic … we will have to see. I am thinking about opening a magic shop in V’Ral, programming my small army of artificer homunculus’s to churn out DMG and/or similar powerlevel to DMG items for sale while i adventure.
@halfgiant said in Gold Piece for a Poor Artificer? [clink clink clink]...Will work for Beer.:
@daermadm Ohh i’ve pretty much abandoned the idea of a time dilated portable mansion, may revisit it once in Epic … we will have to see. I am thinking about opening a magic shop in V’Ral, programming my small army of artificer homunculus’s to churn out DMG and/or similar powerlevel to DMG items for sale while i adventure.
I am assuming you mean these: Dedicated Wright?
I have been meaning to address these. I have no issue with them. But I was think of adding some criteria. I’ll make a new post dedicated to that.
@halfgiant said in Gold Piece for a Poor Artificer? [clink clink clink]...Will work for Beer.:
@daermadm I am thinking about opening a magic shop in V’Ral, programming my small army of artificer homunculus’s to churn out DMG and/or similar powerlevel to DMG items for sale while i adventure.
COOL ! what with all the attention-seekers coming to visit the new Avatar of Luuuve for romantic advice and lust potions, you can open across the street from me !
i’m calling my place The Luuuve Shack
(we’ve got a theme song and everything) !
heh heh heh… gotcha cloud !
@dwarf /me contemplates…
Ok Here We Go.
A Wall of Iron as discussed here generates:
- Casting a Wall of Iron, creating a wall 55ft5ft2in=45.83cu ft of iron. This step costs 50gp in material components.
- The density of iron is 491lbs/cu ft.
- Thus 44 cu ft of iron weighs 21604 lbs.
[Metamagic could be used to make a bigger wall, but lets leave that out for now to keep it simple]
Now we know an Adamantine Golem has the following requirements to create:
An adamantine golem’s body is sculpted from 45,000 pounds of pure iron and is then wished into adamantine (using wish). The golem costs 500,000 gold pieces to create, which includes 25,000 gp for the body. Assembling the body requires a successful Craft (armorsmithing) or Craft (weaponsmithing) check (DC 40). The creator must be 30th level, have the Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor feat, and be able to cast arcane spells. Completing the ritual drains 10,000 XP from the creator and requires crushing hand, geas/quest, and wish.
The piece we are focused on is the “45,000 pounds of pure iron and is then wished into adamantine (using wish)”
Wish costs: 25,825gp reference [here], gotta believe we can find someone in V’Ral that will sell a Artificer a wish scroll.(
So now based upon the unmodified Wall of Iron, and using Wish Scroll we should have 21604lbs of Adamantine. The text references pure iron, and while the Wall of Iron spell doesn’t say pure, i’m not sure why it wouldn’t be pure.
Now we take all that Admantine, and we put the Kargin army of Crafting Homunculus’s to work, banging out:
Dwarven Plate. Selling for 16,500gp.
Each suit of Dwarven Plate is non magical and has a Weight of 50lbs, and sells for 16,500gp.
So now we have 21604lbs of Adamantine, at 50lbs per suit of Dwarven Plate, making ~432 suits of armor selling @ 16,500gp each. Totals up to approximately 7 million gold.
All for now.
@halfgiant I was 100% confident that you would come up with something like this.
@halfgiant said in Gold Piece for a Poor Artificer? [clink clink clink]...Will work for Beer.:
gotta believe we can find someone in V’Ral that will sell a Artificer a wish scroll.
Or you could strike a deal with Megan and Mezron. I am sure they would to plays cards with someone new.
So… Now for the next obvious question.
Is Diniscus (not sure if that spelling is correct) open for business in the Manaverse?
Still cost a wish to summon the door?
@daermadm We are in a city with the main temple of Roland, Rolandites abound running all over the city, and a Chosen of Roland at the helm… I think i should be able to find someone that can sell me a wish scroll or three without having to chase down Megan and Mezron to play with the Deck of Many things. Or i suppose i could get a gem and give it to the obelisk to cast it for us.
Also a Deck of Many Things is an actual Minor Artifact these days along with a Staff of Magi…not so easy to just pickup or find (both seem lame to me as artifacts). Same as the Sphere of Annihilation. Mostly because I always thought they were fine in 2e as normal magic items, and they had to go bump them to artifact class.
@halfgiant said in Gold Piece for a Poor Artificer? [clink clink clink]...Will work for Beer.:
So… Now for the next obvious question.
Is Diniscus (not sure if that spelling is correct) open for business in the Manaverse?
Still cost a wish to summon the door?
If it was here? Yes.