Old Characters Renewed
I’ve been thinking about converting a few of my old characters from the forgotten mess days that haven’t really had any play time in a while, updating them to the current manaverse rule set, and moving them from the forgotten mess to the current Daerma campaign. They may be NPC’s toiling around V’Ral or maybe we rotate them into an adventure for a spell if the opportunity presents itself. To that end, one such character i was thinking about is Flint a really old character, Paladin class w/ a straight up old school Holy Sword. We have now opened the aperture on the daughters and all the possibilities there, which got me thinking about what a Paladin of Roland would look like… I have two 5e characters that will top out here soon at 20th level, and will unfortunately have to end their careers in 5e, to carry on playing them i was also thinking about bringing them over, retooling them to the new system, and adding them into the overall story same sort of thing as Flint.
Anyway, so Dwarf what would a Paladin of Roland look like?
@halfgiant said in Old Characters Renewed:
Anyway, so Dwarf what would a Paladin of Roland look like?
Interesting, I put some thought into how to create a 10 hybrid fighter
@halfgiant said in Old Characters Renewed:
I have two 5e characters that will top out here soon at 20th level, and will unfortunately have to end their careers in 5e
** Dregs peers down into Half-Giants open skull, then frowns at Behayla floating nearby **
“You really need to blow the dust outta here from time to time !”Strolling over to a convoluted device on one wall of her living tower, he jacks a blood pipe into a pair of Green Dragon-Lung Bellows - causing the leathery flesh to take on a healthier pink color. Affixing a blue-white sapphire crackling with arcane energy to the lungs, the lesser alchemist starts them pumping with a kick.
Hauling down a ribbed esophagus hose, he screws one end on the tip of the massive bellows and uses the other end to blast all the dust, dry leaves and detritus out of the bushy-haired skull.
“There - that should help a little. Too much crApple corrosion was causing him to forget we’re in a 3.5/10e verse and not 5e anymore. Prolly just needs to let his brain circuits have a good alcohol soak more often !”
as far as a Paladin of Roland, i’ve honestly never considered it - in typical churches, Paladins serve as a warrior caste that’ve been imbued with clerical energy to provide defense to their priesthood and deliver asskickings to enemies of the church… which, in Roland’s case, is what the Sons of Damien/Reorx largely take care of.
@dwarf I’m not sure what i was unclear about regarding 5e, “retooling them to the new system” meant converting them to the new forgotten mess/manaverse system we are now playing in.
oh, were you talking about bringing UNKNOWN characters in from a 5e game run by someone other than me or cloud ?
(( i read it as needing to retire Kargin/Rorik because they were pushing 20 ))
@dwarf No nothing of the sort, i was talking about 5e characters that i enjoyed playing will have to retire from smallwinnie verse because they are 20th level, they are developed characters with backgrounds and would enjoy seeing them continue in a living verse. So i was going to retool, remake, whatever we want to call it and bring them into the manaverse under the current online rule system to have in the background running around the city. They can be NPC’s or future stand-in characters if the opportunity presents itself. I just didn’t want them to fade off into electronic oblivion along with the 5e edition.
cool beans
i look forward to reading their backstory !
on the topic of a paladin of Roland, that is a good point that the dwarves kinda fill the militant role. A Paladin is still a valid option I think. Also something that I think Roland would enjoy having a couple of, but likely not more than that. More like a “huh, I wonder how that would play out?” question.