Kargin's Construct Reference
Building New Constructs
Constructs typically have no Intelligence score, an average Wisdom score, and a Charisma of 1. Their dexterity is usually poor to average, though exceptionally nimble constructs do exist. Nearly all constructs of size Medium or larger have high Strength scores; constructs never have a Constitution score.
The monster creation rules serve as your best guide for designing a new construct. New constructs should stick fairly close to the those presented on Table: Monster Statistics by CR. As they are usually mindless combat brutes, most use the “high attack” column, with damage falling in between the High and Low average damage columns. Note that all the construct’s saving throws are likely to be poor, and they have no favored saves. Lacking a Constitution score, a construct’s hit points also tend to be low in comparison to creatures with similar CRs. Consider giving any construct that doesn’t have either damage reduction or hardness a higher AC to compensate.
Table: Bestiary 1 and Bestiary 2 Constructs Name CR Materials Price Cost Special Abilities Tiny animated object 1/2 — 250 gp 125 gp Variable Homunculus 1 50 gp 2,050 gp 1,050 gp Poison, telepathic link Small animated object 2 — 2,000 gp 1,000 gp Variable Iron cobra 2 — 4,000 gp 2,000 gp Find target, poison Darkwood cobra 2 — 5,000 gp 2,500 gp Find target, poison Soulbound doll 2 300 gp 4,300 gp 2,300 gp DR, variable, susceptible to mind-affecting effects Medium animated object 3 — 4,500 gp 2,250 gp Variable Mithral cobra 3 — 10,000 gp 5,000 gp Find target, poison Adamantine cobra 3 — 20,000 gp 10,050 gp High DR, find target, poison Necrophidius 3 1,000 gp 7,500 gp 4,425 gp DR, dance of death, paralysis Carrion golem 4 500 gp 10,500 gp 5,500 gp DR/bludgeoning or slashing, stench Scarecrow 4 500 gp 15,500 gp 8,000 gp Immune to cold, fascinating gaze, fear, vulnerable to fire Large animated object 5 — 12,500 gp 6,250 gp Variable Ice golem 5 500 gp 18,500 gp 9,500 gp Cold, golem, icy destruction Wood golem 6 300 gp 19,300 gp 9,800 gp Golem, splintering Huge animated object 7 — 25,000 gp 12,500 gp Variable Flesh golem 7 500 gp 20,500 gp 10,500 gp Berserk, golem Glass golem 8 1,000 gp 33,000 gp 17,000 gp DR, golem, deflect spells, dazzling brightness Stained glass golem 8 1,000 gp 39,400 gp 20,200 gp DR, golem, deflect spells, dazzling brightness Alchemical golem 9 3,000 gp 33,000 gp 18,000 gp High DR, golem, alchemy, bombs, splash Gargantuan animated object 9 — 40,000 gp 20,000 gp Variable Clay golem 10 1,500 gp 41,500 gp 21,500 gp Special DR, golem, berserk, cursed wounds Colossal animated object 11 — 60,000 gp 30,000 gp Variable Stone Golem 11 5,000 105,000 gp 55,000 gp Golem, full healing, minor spell vulnerabilities, slow Clockwork golem 12 10,000 gp 120,000 gp 65,000 gp High DR, golem, death burst, grind, wall of gears Iron golem 13 10,000 gp 150,000 gp 80,000 gp High DR, golem, breath weapon Mithral golem 16 50,000 gp 250,000 gp 150,050 gp High DR, golem, fluid form Adamantine golem 19 100,000 gp 600,000 gp 350,000 gp Epic DR, golem, indestructible, destructive strike -
Summon Golem
(Player’s Handbook II)Conjuration (Summoning)
Level: Cleric 9, Sorcerer 9, Wizard 9,
Components: V, S, AF,
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: One summoned golem
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: NoYou wave your hand over a lump of flesh, clay, stone, or iron while chanting a lengthy incantation.
Moments later, a golem of similar substance appears in a flash of light to serve you.
You summon a flesh, clay, stone, or iron golem.
The golem begins acting at the start of your next turn and follows your simple commands.
The golem disappears when it is destroyed or when the spell’s duration expires.
Focus: A small lump of preserved flesh, dried clay, unworked stone, or iron ore.Reference: https://naggaroth.daerma.com/dndtools/spells/players-handbook-ii--80/summon-golem--2937/index.html
Booze Golem
Large Construct
Hit Dice: 10d10+30 (130 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 17 (-1 Size, +3 Dex, +5 Natural), touch 12, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple:+7/+20
Attack: Slam +15 melee (1d8+9)
Full Attack: 2 Slams +15 melee (1d8+9)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Engulf, Berserk, Intoxication, Improved Grab
Special Qualities: Construct Traits, Immunity to Magic, Dark Vision 60 ft., Low Light Vision, Damage Reduction 10/-, Fluid Body
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3
Abilities: Str 29, Dex 16, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Feats: -
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating:10
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always Neutral
Advancement: 11-15 HD (large), 16 –30 HD (huge)
Level Adjustment:-
“Dude…dude we SO have to fight this monster…”Long beloved by Gnomes, Dwarves, and Halflings who all claim to have invented it. The Booze Golem is a tall vaguely humanoid shape composed of some form of alcohol. They think of it as a way to have the Rum protect itself when the army is on the march. And if the Golem is slain it becomes gallons and gallons of booze. There is also a secret code word which when said will make the Golem dissolve back into a pile of alcohol. This code word is chosen by it’s creator at the time it is made, and only works for him.
Berserk (Ex): When a Booze Golem enters combat there is a cumulative 1% chance per round it goes berserk and attacks the nearest living (or moving) creature near it until none are left. Once a Booze Golem goes berserk there is no known method of re establishing control.
Improved Grab (Ex): A Booze Golem that successfully hits with a Slam attack can immediately make a Grapple check as a Free Action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it succeeds it can use it’s Engulf attack on any opponent 1 Size Class smaller than itself.
Engulf (Ex): Any living creature that requires air and that is Pinned successfully in a Grapple by a Engulf begins to drown (see DMG page 304). If it escapes drowning it risks becoming intoxicated (see below).
Intoxication (Ex): Each round a living, corporeal opponent is Engulfed it must make a Fortitude Save. DC of the Saving Throw is 10 plus half hit dice plus Constitution modifier, plus a Racial Bonus based on the type of alcohol the Golem is composed of (Ale, Diluted Spirits, or Wine +1/Fortified Wine or Stout Ale +2/Most Spirits +3/Strong Spirits +4/Dangerous Spirits +5). The opponent gains a cumulative -2 to the Saving Throw roll per round engulfed. If he fails he takes 1d2 temporary Dex and Wisdom damage each time the Saving Throw is failed. If Wisdom is reduced to 0 the opponent passes out. If Dexterity is reduced to 0 the opponent is helpless, but just barely conscious. If both go to 0, the opponent must make a second Fortitude Save (same DC) to avoid alcohol poisoning. If he fails he takes 1 temporary point of Con damage every 10 minutes until death, or his stomach is purged. Neutralize or Delay Poison will stop or delay this, and creatures immune to poison are immune to Intoxication. Once the encounter is over the opponent regains 1 point of Wisdom and Dexterity each hour, providing it consmes no more alcohol. Alcohol poisoning heals 1 point of Con per day as usual.
Immunity to Magic (Ex): A Booze Golem is immune to any spell or spell like ability that allows Spell Resistance. The exceptions are spells doing Fire or Cold damage. Spells doing Cold slow the Golem down as the Slow spell for 4 rounds (no Save). Fire spells cause it to explode if it fails a Fortitude Save(the explosion is similar to a Fireball spell cast by a 10th level caster). DC of Fort Save is equal to 10 plus 1 per die of damage the fire spell does.
Fluid Body (Ex): The Booze Golem can take a Full Round action to pass through any porous barrier (i.e. a fence or net, not a solid wall). At rest it appears to be a puddle of alcohol.
Combat: Booze Golems go straight for the Grapple, and when one opponent is stone drunk (or dead) they move on to the next.
Construction: A Booze Golem is made from 72 gallons of alcohol costing at least 1000 GP. Assembling the Body requires a DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check.
CL 11th; Craft Construct (see MM page 303), Animate Object, Geas/Quest, Animate Water, Caster must be 11th Level. Price 50000 GP; Cost 25000 GP + 1000 XP
Kargin says hmmmm…
Awaken Construct
Level: Cleric 9, sorcerer/wizard 9
Components: V, S, M, XP
Casting Time: 8 hours
Range: Touch
Target: One construct
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)Tendrils of writhing light cover your hand and the brain it holds. The light disperses into the construct you touch, enveloping it in a soft white corona for several seconds before the creature’s body absorbs the radiance.
This spell awakens a humanoid-shaped construct to humanlike sentience. An awakened construct’s Intelligence,
Wisdom, and Charisma scores are all 3d6. The spell does not work on constructs that are constructs only temporarily (such as objects affected by an animate objects spell). The awakened creature is independent of both you and the being who originally made it, though it is initially friendly toward both you and its maker. (See MM 290 for information on skills and feats the creature gains.)Material Component: The brain of a humanoid that has been dead less than 8 hours.
XP Cost: 5,000 XP. -
Iron Construct
Level: Artificer 4
Components: S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target: Construct touched
Duration: 1 min./level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)You transform an existing construct into a powerhouse of hardened iron, similar to the effect of the iron body spell. The construct gains damage reduction 15/adamantine. It takes half damage from acid and fi re attacks of all kinds. Even if it is not a golem, however, it becomes vulnerable to all special attacks that affect iron golems.
The construct gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, but takes a –4 penalty to Dexterity as well (to a minimum Dexterity of 1). The construct’s weight increases by a factor of five.
Material Component: A small piece of iron that was once part of an iron golem, a hero’s armor, or a war machine.
Artificer Class Ability
Craft Homunculus (Ex): At 4th level, an artificer can create a homunculus as if he had the Craft Construct feat. He must emulate the spell requirements (arcane eye, mending, and mirror image) as normal for making a magic item, and he must pay all the usual gold and XP costs (though he can spend points from his craft reserve). An artificer can also upgrade an existing homunculus that he owns, adding 1 Hit Die at a cost of 2,000 gp and 160 XP.
If an artificer gives his homunculus more than 6 Hit Dice, it becomes a Small creature and advances as described in the Monster Manual (+4 Str, —2 Dex, damage increases to Id6). The homunculus also gains 10 extra hit points for being a Small construct.
An artificer’s homunculus can have as many Hit Dice as its master’s Hit Dice minus 2. No matter how many Hit Dice it has, a homunculus never grows larger than Small.
Note: An artificer is not limited to the the basic homunculus described in the Monster Manual. He can use this ability to construct other types of homunculi (such as the ones found on pages 284—287 of the Eberron Campaign Setting). The same rules apply.
Improved Homunculus
You are adept at improving and modifying your homunculus. Whenever you advance your homunculus’s Hit Dice, you can also imbue it with special supernatural abilities.
Prerequisites: Craft Construct or craft homunculus class feature, Craft (any) 6 ranks.
Benefit: Your homunculus gains natural armor and special abilities based on its HD (see chart). If you use theCraft Construct feat to construct a homunculus, it gets these abilities when you create it. If you use the craft homunculus class feature of the artificer class, your homunculus gains natural armor and special abilities based on its current HD, and additional natural armor or special abilities if you later increase its HD.
All special abilities are described below; those requiring additional information follow the chart. Unless otherwise specified, an ability can only be taken once.Each time the homunculus gains a HD, you can choose to remove any one special ability already granted from this feat and select another ability to replace the lost one. For example, an artificer with a 4-HD homunculus that has the climber special ability could choose to give it sneak attack instead if the homunculus’s Hit Dice were increased to 5.
This feat applies to the character’s homunculus regardless of its type. For new types of homunculi, see Chapter 6.
Hit Dice Natural Armor Total Special Abilities 1–2 +0 0 3–5 +2 1 6–8 +4 2 9–11 +6 3 12–14 +8 4 15–17 +10 5 18+ +12 6 HOMUNCULUS ABILITIES
Ability Effect Climber1 Gains climb 20 ft. or existing climb speed improves by 20 ft. Dextrous Gains +2 Dexterity Durable1 Gains 10 hp Evasion As monk class feature Flyer1 Gains fly 20 ft. (good) or existing fly speed improves by 20 ft. and maneuverability improves by one category Skilled2 Gains +3 competence bonus on chosen skill check Sneak attack1 Gains sneak attack +1d6 (as rogue class feature) Store infusion Homunculus can store one infusion of up to 3rd level Strong Gains +2 Strength Swimmer1 Gains swim 20 ft. or existing swim speed improves by 20 ft. Telepathy range Range of telepathy between homunculus and creator increases to 1 mile/level of the creator Weapon ability2 Natural weapons gain special ability 1 May be chosen more than once. Multiple selections stack.
2 May be chosen more than once. Multiple selections do not stack; instead, each selection of the ability applies to a new skill or weapon ability.
Store Infusion: At the beginning of each day, the artificer can store one infusion of up to 3rd level in the homunculus. This infusion must be one that the artificer could normally imbue the homunculus with. This infusion does not take effect when it is first stored. Instead, the homunculus can use a standard action to imbue itself with the infusion. No homunculus can store more than one infusion at a time.
Weapon Ability: When this ability is granted, choose a weapon special ability with a base price modifier of “+1 bonus,” such as ghost touch, keen, or shock. The homunculus’s natural weapons are treated as if they had this special ability. -
Homunculus, Dedicated Wright
A small, malformed humanoid stands over a piece of armor easily twice its size; its small hammer ringing in the pattern of a practiced blacksmith. Underneath its diminutive hands, you can see the familiar sigils of arcane power begin to take shape along the interlocking plates of the plate mail. It looks up, noticing your presence with dull blue eyes, and, after deciding that that you are not important to its work, continues hammering away.
Homunculus, Dedicated Wright CR 1/2
XP: 200
Any Alignment (same as creator) Tiny Construct
Init: +0; Senses: low-light vision, darkvision 60’; Perception +0DEFENSE:
AC: 12, Touch 12, Flat-Footed 12 (+2 size)
HP: 5 hp (1d10)
Fort: +0; Ref: +0; Will: +0
Immune: Construct TraitsOFFENSE:
Speed: 10’
Melee: Hammer +4 (1d3+1)
Space: 2 1/2 ft.; Reach: 0 ft.STATISTICS:
Str 12, Dex 11, Con -, Int 10, Wis 11, Chr 7
Base Atk: +1; CMB: +0; CMD: 10
Feats: Skill Focus (Craft: any one)
Skills: Craft (any one) +7, Craft (any one other) +4SPECIAL ABILITIES:
Item Creation (Su): A dedicate wright can be commanded to perform the necessary tasks related to magical item creation on behalf of its master. The master must meet or emulate all the necessary prerequisites, have the appropriate tools for the dedicated wright to use and pay item creation cost for the necessary raw materials. The wright then is able to perform the necessary tasks, spending the necessary time and leaving the master to continue with other projects. It takes 1 hour to give the dedicated wright the necessary commands to make a magical item and a dedicated wright can only work on one item at a time. Otherwise, it acts as the master, using his skill ranks, caster level, feats, spells known and all other aspects related for the magical item creation process as they are at the time the commands were given.
A dedicated wright can be commanded to abandon any progress toward a magical item, but if it starts a new project, any progress toward the original project is lost. If the magical item creation can benefit from teamwork, multiple dedicated wrights can be commanded to work together, although dedicated wrights from multiple masters must all qualify normally to assist. Lastly, dedicated wrights can be commanded to use their Craft skills for mundane projects, but they use their own Craft modifiers for these mundane projects.Telepathic Link (Su): Dedicated wrights cannot speak, but maintain a constant telepathic link to their master. Through this link, they instantly understand everything their master desires, knows what he knows and can provide complete understanding of their surroundings back to their master. This link is maintained regardless of the distance, but going more than 1,500’ causes a noticeably nervousness within the construct. A dedicated wright will never willing go beyond this range unless it is required as part of a task assigned to them via their Item Creation ability. Should a dedicated wright be forced outside of this distance and does not have a project to complete, it will stand guard over its finished project (if any) and attempt to return to their master with the project. For masters that do a lot of travelling, this often requires that the laboratory that the dedicate wright is using remains firmly locked.
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Treasure: None
Role: None
Source: ECB, pg. 285Dedicated wrights are a staple of the artificers of Eberron, often working in small copies of their master’s laboratory, each with a different project, and maximizing their master’s creation time. Physically, they look like small, pale, lumpy humanoids only a foot tall. While not frightening in the least, they are by no means pleasing to the eye. Like all homunculi, should a dedicated wright be destroyed, its master takes 2d10 points of damage and should the master be destroyed, or the telepathic link somehow becomes severed, the dedicated wright goes insane, loosing its Intelligence, feats, skills and the Item Creation ability.
Dedicated wrights are made from sculptor’s clay, paint, glaze and one pint of blood. This body costs 100 gp. After the form is sculpted and baked in a kiln, it is animated through magical rites, requiring an additional 1,000 gp worth of reagents and arcane materials. The person who donated the blood, which is not necessarily the creator, is the dedicated wright’s master. When a dedicated wright is created, the enchanter chooses two Craft skills, one of which must be chosen for the dedicated wrights Skill Focus (Craft) feat. Once these choices are made, they cannot be changed for that particular dedicated wright. Dedicated wrights can be created with additional hit dice, each additional an additional 2,000 gp to the base cost.
Caster Level: 7th; Price: 2,100 gp
Requirements: Craft Construct, arcane eye, fabricate; Skill: Craft (sculpture) DC 14; Cost: 1,100 gp. -
Unbreakable Construct
School abjuration; Level sorcerer/wizard 5; Elemental School metal 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (powdered adamantine worth 100 gp)EFFECT
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one construct
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance noDESCRIPTION
This spell increases the target’s DR/adamantine by 5 or its hardness by 5. If the target does not have DR/adamantine or hardness, this spell has no effect.
@halfgiant said in Kargin's Construct Reference:
Awaken Construct
Level: Cleric 9, sorcerer/wizard 9
Material Component: The brain of a humanoid that has been dead less than 8 hours.Kargin peeks in the oddly moist door. “Dregnoth !! I need a brain…”
The alchemist smirks “Well i wasn’t gonna be the first to say anything, but…”“What ?? No… i need it for a spell. Has to be dead less than 8 hours !”
Dregs nods. “Well i suppose we could swipe Rorek’s. He’s not using it…”
“FUCK YOU ALCHEMIST !!” echoes the roar from a different room.
“See - its all pickled in alcohol and ready to go ! When would you like me to remove it ?”Kargin sighs. “I need a formerly living humanoid brain NOT harvested from a viable citizen of V’ral. Less than 8 hours deceased. Please.”
The mad alchemists eyes whirl a bit as he inputs the new search parameters. “I have several Laputan brains neuralinked into my BrainFrame as organic co-processors. Think one of those would do ?”
The smith blinks. “Uhhh… err… do you have any that haven’t been… erm… modified ?”
Dregs grins. “Ohh… you want fighter brains. Yeah, i keep a vat of 'em alive in electrically charged illithid-brine for feeding my infant hats with. Gotta let 'em grow up good and strong before i start tweaking them for my use later on. How many do you need ?”Kargin shakes the nightmarish visions out of his head. “TMI, always so much TMI !! Lets start with a six-pack. Do i keep 'em in my fridge ?? Orr…”
“Ahh… no, they need a regular feed of electric, psionic, life and oxy to keep their biological systems from breaking down.” Reaching up to a disembodied ear attached to the wall, the alchemist calls loudly “Leeta… LEETA ! Come to lab 14 for an away mission, please !”The forge dwarf looks around nervously and starts backing slowly towards the door. “Uhh… mebbe i should just come back when i get…”
Suddenly a trap door in the ceiling falls open and a small child-sized zombie drops to the ground. Pale, milky eyes turn up to Kargin as it moans out “BRAAAAAINS !!”Grasping at his holy symbol, the priest of Damar curses “Dammit alchemist ! You trying to get us blasted by the obelisk ? You can’na go around animating dead children ! RAISE DEAD !” he commands, blasting divine energy into the zombie.
Which seems unimpressed… quirking an eyebrow before turning to look at Dregnoth. “Malachi said something about brains, father ?”
Looking worriedly at Kargin for several long seconds, the alchemist leans down towards the girl. “Yeah, Kargi needs a six-pack of feeder brains bottled up and kept alive for some experiment in his forge. Why don’t you be a dear and arrange for their care and feeding until he’s finished. I’m sure being a proto-ancient he can teach you a lil’ about magic items while you’re there !”Leaning close, she gives the mad alchemist a hug - receiving a kiss on the top of the head, before grabbing ahold of Kargin’s beard and leading him away down the hall. “C’mon weird guy - lets getcha some mind-flayer food-to-go. Think we should start offering that at the local tavern ??? Ogres will eat anything, you know…”
Increased Hit Dice
Intelligent creatures that are not humanoid in shape, and nonintelligent monsters, can advance by increasing their Hit Dice. Creatures with increased Hit Dice are usually superior specimens of their race, bigger and more powerful than their run-of-the-mill fellows.
As its Hit Dice increase, a creature’s attack bonuses and saving throw modifiers might improve. It gains more feats and skills, depending on its type, as shown on Table: Creature Improvement by Type.
So as my dedicated crafting homonculus army increases in HD, they should gain Feats, and skills.
School transmutation (polymorph); Level alchemist 6, sorcerer/wizard 9
Casting Time 8 hours
Components V, S, M (powdered metals with a variable cost, see text)EFFECT
Range touch
Target golem touched
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance noDESCRIPTION
You turn one type of golem into another. The golem must be willing—it must be commanded to transform by its master or must be a creature able to make informed decisions that opts to submit to the spell. You must provide various powdered metals with a value equal to 150% of the difference in creation costs between the old and new type of golem, even if the new golem type is cheaper to create. Both types of golems must share the same subtypes, if any. You cannot transmute a golem into a new type of golem with a CR higher than your caster level.
If all of these conditions are satisfied, the old golem completely changes to the new golem type. Its abilities and statistics are identical to one of the new golem type, including its magic immunities and special attacks. The new golem is still affected by any damage or conditions it suffered before the spell was cast.
Reference: [Pathfinder Player Companion: Arcane Anthology
2016, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Alexander Augunas, Steven T. Helt, and David N. Ross.]
try’na figure out why anybody would ever use that ?? spend 1.5x the cash instead of just building a 2nd golem…
(( and you’re forgetting to give us book reference id’s again )) -
@dwarf title had link reference, but i will add it anyway