Things Cæsar sladd and Leo Pard need
Dregnoth Leo needs a few more wound patches (Wound Patch Epic 20D10+20 heal) and perhaps a little DNA splicing of Troll or something so he can heal slowly if he runs out of patches.
Kargin if you could whip me up another two swords like I had and the boots we had never got around to building yet
And as Always some way to increase Caesars strength even more ( he hears there is a guy who holds the world up and he has a bone to pick with him, I have no idea why but I rarely know what the Blue Frog is thinking )
@orc Interesting. What Enhancement items do you possess now that boost your strength?
@halfgiant I have “Belt of the Wide Earth” and the “Belt of Physical Perfection” and a ring of Greater Mighty Wallop
@orc I could do a Helmet of Mighty Mighty Frog Power that will grant you a
+6 racial bonus to strength (that stacks with you +6 enhancement bonus from the belt)
and a
+5 Manual of Gainful Exercise (inherent bonus)
That should pump you up by +11
@halfgiant shoot me the price and the gold is on the way and will put the rad sladd at a strength of … 60
@halfgiant Also thinking of taking this Feat
with my up in Str it should make the DC save 45Devastating Critical [Epic]
Str 25, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (chosen weapon), Overwhelming Critical (chosen weapon), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (chosen weapon).Benefit
Whenever you score a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ your level + your Strength modifier) or die instantly. (Creatures immune to critical hits can’t be affected by this feat.)Special
You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a different type of weapon. -
@orc I highly encourage it but I think there is a prerequisite feat that is also epic, before you can get that feat. I’m on my phone but will verify when back at my computer.
@halfgiant there was … I had the open spots Bwahahahahaha
@orc said in Things Cæsar sladd and Leo Pard need:
@halfgiant there was … I had the open spots Bwahahahahaha
You had open epic slots?
@daermadm 2 I have not added any new feats to caeser since I started playing him 2 years ago
@daermadm at least I think I do Im at 215550 exp
Here you go Slaad - 2 New Swords, Bracers, Helmet, Boots, and a Book
@halfgiant why thank you for putting in the work Mr.Kargin * hands Kargin a crap ton of gold* here are your wordly riches , but your real riches can be found in GodKing Dregnoth (breaks into a 3 hour sermon while Jewels “Who will save your soul” plays on loop in the back ground)
“Pouring over some schematics Dregnoth, and Kargin scratch their beards and rub their bald heads in contemplation. We can rebuild the Slaad we have the alchemical, and magical knowledge, we have the capability to make the ManaVerses first Battle Slaad. Ceasar will be that Slaad. Better than he was before, Better, Stronger, Faster. He will be the 6 million gold piece Slaad.”
** Dregs grins **
"Well i HAVE been workin’ on an upgrade to make him the first Spellfire Slaad… those circuits ARE pretty tough ! Mom wanted to implant an Elder Brain in him, but i… erm… lost the tadpole, on purposeDunno why she wanted her own Big Blue, but this one’s mine ! She can grow her own… "