New Spell I been working on
So this spell is really more of an annoyance to spell casters
Its level may be a little to high however it is a monetary loss spell which can effect players to a great degree.Its a little tongue and Cheek word play. May need a little tweaking.
Mordenkainen’s Injunction
Spell level 9
Class :Cleric
School abjuration ( This is why I chose the school I did , Definition of abjure
1 formal
a : to renounce upon oath He abjured his allegiance to his former country.
b : to reject solemnly She abjured her old beliefs.
2 formal : to abstain from : avoid abjure extravagance )When this spell is cast a group of 1D10 Lawyers appear and give cease and desist papers to the opposing spell caster for a random spell in their repertoire of spells
This can be counter acted by paying to the lawyers 1000 times D100 in gold
Dependin on the level of the spell ( example level 3 spell would be 3000 x D100 )
If the spell is not paid for then the caster looses that spell until they pay for it or recive a blessing from their church for the legality to use said spell ( Usually a church will charge a small tithe for the legal paper work )If a Gem or other item used for holding the spell is used the Lawyers reappear and charge double the price for use of “Pirated” spell.
Saving through is a Will save of 10 + Casters Level + Int modifier ( or Wisdom if cast by a Cleric)
sooo… what, you’re trying to introduce the RIAA/MPAA to the world of Greyhawk ???
as an “april fools” type spell, it’d be a laugh - in a real game, there’s several obvious issues :
- mordenkainen is a wizard… somewhat on par with elminster, and is actually one of GARY’s personal player characters
wizards can’t make priest spells
- in your example given, a simple 3rd level spell like Continual Light, Dispel Magic or Prayer could have a 300,000 gp price tag
- whats stopping the caster of the injunction from just chain-casting it every day for a month and burying an opponent or enemy priest under billions of GP in debt ?
- why would any non-lawful spell caster, anytime, anywhere, give 2 shits what some pencil-necked attorneys claimed and not just nuke the lot of 'em ?
(4a - last line : all Will saves use wisdom modifiers)
- mordenkainen is a wizard… somewhat on par with elminster, and is actually one of GARY’s personal player characters
“1.mordenkainen is a wizard… somewhat on par with elminster, and is actually one of GARY’s personal player characters
wizards can’t make priest spells”
When did that become an issue in our games ? And the name is only Mordenkainen I don’t care what its called its simply a play on the word“ your example given, a simple 3rd level spell like Continual Light, Dispel Magic or Prayer could have a 300,000 gp price tag”
How often do we end up casting 3rd level spells against 18th level enemy’s, and even at that YES it sucks to suck if they roll high, It simply means that you can not cast said spell until you get permission from your god.“3.whats stopping the caster of the injunction from just chain-casting it every day for a month and burying an opponent or enemy priest under billions of GP in debt ?”
Are you fighting a dragon for a month strait ? not only that but it can have rules applied to it that keep that from happening or you know the DM?“4.why would any non-lawful spell caster, anytime, anywhere, give 2 shits what some pencil-necked attorneys claimed and not just nuke the lot of 'em ?”
Because they need to stop us from using a spell on them that would nuke them??? and secondly the business world is full of less than lawful people who cast such things on regular people every day.“(4a - last line : all Will saves use wisdom modifiers)”
Feats are every where and change every thing -
a’ight - lemme spin this around on the horizontal axis and tell me how it’d affect your characters/playstyle/game…
Elminster’s Evidence Capture
Spell level 9
Class : Wizard
When this spell is cast a group of 1D10 Lawyers appear and give a writ of search and seizure to the opposing fighter for a weapon in their collection of armaments
This can be counter acted by paying to the lawyers 1000 times D100 in gold, depending on the total overall plus of the weapon ( example plus 6 sword would be 6000 x D100 )
If the weapon is not paid for then the fighter loses that weapon until they pay for it or get their guild to prove in court that the weapon in question wasn’t used to commit any crime ( Usually a guild will charge a small tithe for the legal paper work )If a portable hole or other item used for holding/hiding the weapon is used, the Lawyers reappear and charge double the price for willfully concealing evidence and the extra-dimensional item is seized as well.
An opposed Intelligence check is allowed to prevent the lawyers from successfully presenting the legal documents and seizing your property for delivering to the court of law.
@dwarf I like it Elminster’s Evidence Capture sounds better than “Elminster’s writ of habeas corpus”
But that would simply mean that I will have to use a different weapon or depending on the cost to have said weapon returned have another built for me that records deeds for easier case in court.
Of course this means that it ensures my fighter doesn’t go off all willy nilly slaying innocent folks.
For my spell above ( and yours too I like it)
The gold price can be dropped ( 1000 was just a number I threw out ) you have 1d10 lawyers that appear each 1000 gold would be if all 10 lawyers appeared So it could be 100 x 1D100 meaning you will pay any where from 100 gold to 10,000 gold. ( we can also drop the cost to be a steady number )
You cant rip the top off, and once the spell has been paid for, that wizard can not hit you again for the same spell( or in the case of the weapon the same weapon ) If the saving throw is made then the same things happens ( the lawyers believe it to be frivolous lawsuit)
If the wizard is killed there is no case since there is no one to take to trial, However if the Wizard escapes battle then you have the issue of monetary punishment. This does two things
- It keeps the caster from having to pay if they really dont want to and makes them think about what they are casting until they kill the spell caster who cast the spell on them
- Can force a payment if they were to cast it on BigOhm
( " Oh Shit I got to save the party …they better pay me back " )
This however does not cause other party members to not be able to cast the spell that was taken away ( The weapon wont matter its in County lock up)