Question on an interlude
Mostly this is for you @halfgiant
Most importantly, I am not going to cancel, restart, or reset the campaign.
What are your character plans after CabinCon? Big badda boom happened. I know that affects some things. But what you want to do also affects other character decisions, as well.
Because of the big badda boom, I was wondering if you needed a little time to get your characters ready. Whichever you choose to bring.
That said, I was wondering if you and @dwarf would be interested in an interlude until the end of January. After which we would resume the main campaign with the characters of choice.
My idea for the interlude would be something to help with the 10e changes. I am proposing that each of you make a pure 10 character from the ground up. Level it to 7th or something (willing to discuss) and then let me throw you more or less randomly at various monsters to see how things play out.
I’ll loosely tie it in to the V`Ral timeline some where just after the Angel bombs went off in Hell.
I am not wanting to run this long term, but may want to bring it back up for a week or three if I ever get around to the other class concepts I have for 10e.
Well, if Kargin sells off the remaining items that survived, and he uses Rorek’s banked gold. He believes he can rebuild into a ‘Epic-Equipped’ Build for Rorek. Now that would mean Kargin would be running around with all normal equipment, were he casts persisted infusions each morning to make them temporary magic items. He can probably whip up some sort of magical crossbow with a little extra kick, but beyond that he would be a step above ass mage status.
As to the interlude, i am happy to play the 10e balance/changes to experiment with things, or the regular scheduled programming. I leave that up to the group.
@halfgiant LeoPard Goldenkatze will give Kargin a low low interest loan shalom.
@dwarf Building back an ‘Epic-Equipped’ Rorek. But i am in need of supplies.
What is the oldest dragon hide you have in your inventory?
Do you have any quicksilver in you shop, i could use?
I could also use Slaad Tendons, and some leather from an Athasian Lion.
Before everything went tits up, and the big booms happened with that Spellfire Dragon, i don’t suppose you were able to grab/chip a piece or two off of him?
I could also use the hands and brains of a pyschoporter, if you have them?
What do you have in the way of available inks? Any Kraken Ink?
Not sure if you grabbed any Golem parts, but could use a chunk of Iron Golem metal, a Lich or Vampire Femure, and some Treant blood (bark will do).
Do you still have that spool of Phase Spider Silk? I will need some of that.
Skull of a Warforged Juggernaught?
Have we killed any Laputan Warlords? I could use their essence.
-Bob -
@halfgiant said in Question on an interlude:
@dwarf Building back an ‘Epic-Equipped’ Rorek. But i am in need of supplies.
What is the oldest dragon hide you have in your inventory?
Do you have any quicksilver in you shop, i could use?
I could also use Slaad Tendons, and some leather from an Athasian Lion.
Before everything went tits up, and the big booms happened with that Spellfire Dragon, i don’t suppose you were able to grab/chip a piece or two off of him?
I could also use the hands and brains of a pyschoporter, if you have them?
What do you have in the way of available inks? Any Kraken Ink?
Not sure if you grabbed any Golem parts, but could use a chunk of Iron Golem metal, a Lich or Vampire Femure, and some Treant blood (bark will do).
Do you still have that spool of Phase Spider Silk? I will need some of that.
Skull of a Warforged Juggernaught?
Have we killed any Laputan Warlords? I could use their essence.
-Bob/me rethinks not resetting the campaign…
@halfgiant said in Question on an interlude:
@dwarf Building back an ‘Epic-Equipped’ Rorek. But i am in need of supplies.
What is the oldest dragon hide you have in your inventory?
class 12 black
Do you have any quicksilver in you shop, i could use?
of course !! how many gallons ya need ?
I could also use Slaad Tendons, and some leather from an Athasian Lion.
slaad tendons i have aplenty
haven’t seen any athasian lions yet - doubt you’d find any here in the manaverse. prolly gonna hafta call Argopolis for that one
Before everything went tits up, and the big booms happened with that Spellfire Dragon, i don’t suppose you were able to grab/chip a piece or two off of him?
i was TRYING to get a piece, but the DM cheats
I could also use the hands and brains of a pyschoporter, if you have them?
** glances at his 12-headed Lernarean BeHydra, who’s busily reading 50 books simultaneously **
“Dafuq is a psychoporter ?”
63 eyebrow quirks later, it replies in 7 languages “No file found… mebbe he’s making shit up, just to throw the DM off track !”What do you have in the way of available inks? Any Kraken Ink?
oho ! now THERE you’re in luck ! Battleogres back in the Mess went Kraken hunting for some ogre-sized Fried Calamari
i actually got to visit Arg’s Bigass Kitchen to advise on preparing it for consumption, whilst harvesting the good bits for the city’s spellchuckers. kept back a few bottles of ink for my own use - how much ya want ?
Not sure if you grabbed any Golem parts, but could use a chunk of Iron Golem metal, a Lich or Vampire Femure, and some Treant blood (bark will do).
Treant Blood is sap, and easy enough to come by. Lich femur i DO have in stock, tho it’s a little ODD, coming from an illithilich. Iron Golem metal we haven’t encountered yet, but is pretty commonplace at any decent-sized dwarven forge or even school of magic.
Do you still have that spool of Phase Spider Silk? I will need some of that.
of COURSE ! its a necessity for patching holes in any larger portable cottage… got tired of buying it, so i acquired some spider legs and grew my own batch of helpful little weavers
even have an upgraded Phase Ettercap who keeps things on track for me ! we’ve been working together on new breeds of Phase Driders and Manadriders to unleash on some unsuspecting drow city nearby…
Skull of a Warforged Juggernaught?
we’d have to take a road trip to Eberron for that…
Have we killed any Laputan Warlords? I could use their essence.
i’ve harvested almost a hundred Laputan Fighters - dunno if any were classified as Warlords tho…
@dwarf said in Question on an interlude:
<snip way too much detail>
/me reconsiders hiding under a rock for a century or three.
- topic:timeago-later,15 days
@dwarf Umm, how about
2 Nalfeshnee Tusks
1 Pit Fiend TailAnd I realize the DM cheats, and we didn’t get any pieces off the SpellFire Dracolich, but do you have any ordinary Dracolich parts at all? Could use the spine.
-Kargin (warming up the elemental forge)
doesn’t look like we’ve encountered any of those yet… but if you wanna honk off a few Gate spells outside town and unleash the Greenbeams, i’m happy to help ya harvest 'em !
@dwarf how about Titan parts anything there? Suppose a Storm Giant would do in a pinch?
on your previous inquiry, i DO have balrog tails
as to biggies, i DO have some Abyssal Fire Titans in my Alchemical Love Shack… tho’ anything you build with 'em is liable to be irrevocably EVIL (and might earn you a shiny new ankle bracelet back home)
or there’s some Epic Ogre Chieftain bits, even a Spellfire Hill Giant …
@dwarf those will do the trick- Balrog Tail works, I don’t suppose you have a alchemical equivalent of a magical centrifuge to pull out the abyssal, a keep just the fire titan?
@dwarf have you ever tried maybe mixing mana troll and manacite to make a sort of oil based substance that could be rubbed on a magic item to possible harden the ‘seal’ on the enchantments in the item sort of hardening their resistance to disjunction effects? Or even possibly an enchantment binding agent that could be used during the magic item enchantment process.
It’s not lost on me I am asking the avatar of luv about oils, so I am fully prepared for incoming alchemical over sharing.
@halfgiant said in Question on an interlude:
I don’t suppose you have a alchemical equivalent of a magical centrifuge to pull out the abyssal, a keep just the fire titan?
oh, i have one… its used to make Monster Essence
the problem is, however, that its kinda like extracting all the water from a human - you wind up with a brittle, dry husk that falls to powder at the slightest disturbance. if you’re looking to SNORT LINES of Titan Dust, that’s fine - not so useful for crafting tho…
@halfgiant said in Question on an interlude:
@dwarf have you ever tried maybe mixing mana troll and manacite to make a sort of oil … that could be rubbed on … to possibly harden…
*** Dregnoths eyes refocus ***
“Naughty boy ! Oils are made to SOFTEN, Lubricate or Cool whatever they’re applied to … and would probably draw MORE disjunctive/antimagic effects toward the item… opposites attract and whatnot.”
“What you’re thinking about would probably work with something like Disenchanter or Disjuncter Oil… basically masking the item from incoming effects of that nature by its similar harmonics.”