Powermaster Spell: Dimensional Triad Anchor
Amalgamated Spell: Dimensional Triad Anchor
Level: Cleric 4, Sorcerer/Wizard 4, Psion/Wilder 4
Combined Woven Spell Level: 8
School/Discipline: Abjuration (Divine), Abjuration (Arcane), Psychoportation (Psionic)
Components: V, S (Verbal, Somatic) for Cleric/Wizard; Mental Focus (Psionic)
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: One creature or object
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance/Power Resistance: YesDescription
Dimensional Triad Anchor combines the divine authority of the gods, the arcane mastery of the multiverse, and the psionic manipulation of spacetime into a singular, potent effect. When cast, you emit a shimmering ray of energy that fuses radiant divine light, arcane glyphs, and a pulsating psionic resonance. This ray locks the target in place within the dimensional fabric, preventing all forms of extradimensional movement or travel.Effect
The target is enveloped in a field of interlocking energies: a glowing divine aura, swirling arcane runes, and a subtle psionic hum.Dimensional Lock: The target cannot use any form of extradimensional travel or movement for the duration of the spell. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Teleportation effects (e.g., teleport, dimension door, greater teleport).
- Planar travel (e.g., plane shift, gate, astral projection).
- Ethereal or incorporeal movement (e.g., ethereal jaunt, etherealness).
- Psionic teleportation powers (e.g., psionic teleport, psionic dimension door).
Universal Resistance: The caster level check (or manifester level check for psionic manifestation) is made at +4 to reflect the combined potency of the three traditions.
Verbal (V): A resonant chant invoking divine authority, arcane precision, or psionic focus, depending on the caster’s tradition.
Somatic (S): A gesture that traces a triangular sigil in the air, symbolizing the unity of divine, arcane, and psionic power.
Mental Focus (Psionic): For psionic manifesters, the power requires intense concentration rather than verbal or somatic components, in line with psionic mechanics.