Powermaster Spell: Omniscient Sight
Spell/Power Details
Name: Omniscient Sight
Level: Cleric 6 (True Seeing), Wizard 6 (True Seeing), Psion 6 (Pierce the Veil)
Combined Level: 9
School/Discipline: Divination (Cleric/Wizard) / Clairsentience (Psion)
Casting Time/Manifestation Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal or Touch (see below)
Target: You or one creature touched
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw: None or Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance/Power Resistance: No“When you invoke Omniscient Sight, your eyes glow with a radiant light suffused with arcane runes and psionic energy. The world around you unveils its secrets as divine insight merges with arcane mastery and psionic clarity. Illusions melt away, hidden truths stand revealed, and the veils of deception part before your omniscient gaze.”
Omniscient Sight combines divine revelation, arcane precision, and psionic clarity to grant the caster or a touched creature an unparalleled ability to perceive reality. Upon casting or manifesting this spell/power, the subject’s senses are heightened to a supernatural degree, piercing all forms of deception and illusion.The subject gains the following benefits:
True Vision: The subject sees through all illusions (including invisibility, blur, displacement, mirage arcana, and similar effects), magical darkness, and polymorph or shapechanging effects, perceiving the true form of creatures and objects within 360 feet. This includes seeing through mundane disguises and obfuscations (e.g., fog, smoke) as if they were not present.
Enhanced Detection: The subject automatically detects the presence of magical auras (as per Detect Magic), psionic auras (as per Detect Psionics), and alignment auras (as per Detect Evil/Good/Law/Chaos, all four simultaneously) within 360 feet, with no concentration required. With a standard action, the subject can analyze these auras to determine their strength, school/discipline, and specific properties.
Mental Clarity: The subject gains immunity to mind-affecting illusions (e.g., phantasmal killer, weird) and a +4 bonus on Will saves against other mind-affecting effects for the duration, reflecting the psionic influence of mental discipline.
Spiritual Insight: The subject can perceive the spiritual essence of creatures, gaining knowledge of their alignment (good, evil, lawful, chaotic) and whether they are undead, outsiders, or elementals, without requiring a check.