Powermaster Spell: Veil of Absolute Deception
Veil of Absolute Deception
School: Illusion (Glamer) [Mind-Affecting] / Abjuration
Level: Clr 5 (True Cloak), Sor/Wiz 9 (Superior Invisibility), Psion 9 (Impenetrable Veil)
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal or Touch (see text)
Target: You or one creature or object touched
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless); see text
Spell / Power Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Amalgamated Spell Level Equivalent: 16th (Highest SL + Avg of the remaining)“In the shadowed halls of forgotten gods, where powermasters weave unseen threads and bend the fabric of thought, a secret was born—a veil so perfect that even the eyes of truth falter. The Veil of Absolute Deception cloaks its bearer in a tapestry of divine mystery, arcane illusion, and psionic denial, rendering them an enigma to all who seek them. To the world, they are a phantom, a lie so profound that reality itself bends to believe it.”
Veil of Absolute Deception is a powermaster spell masterful woven of divine, arcane, and psionic power, creating an unbreakable shroud that conceals the target from all forms of perception. This spell reverses the clarity of True Seeing to obscure truth, enhances Superior Invisibility’s total sensory concealment, and incorporates Impenetrable Veil’s psionic barrier to protect against mental and magical detection. The result is a near-perfect disguise that resists even the most potent divination and sensory abilities, making the target an unassailable phantom.Effect:
When cast, Veil of Absolute Deception grants the following effects to the target:-
Total Sensory Invisibility: The target becomes invisible to all senses—sight, sound, smell, touch, and even magical detection—for the duration. This includes immunity to effects that normally reveaal invisibility, such as See Invisibility, Invisibility Purge, and Glitterdust. The target can attack, cast spells, or take other actions without breaking the invisibility, unlike standard invisibility spells. This effect extends to all gear carried or worn by the target, up to their maximum load.
Divine Obfuscation: The spell creates a divine veil that obscures the target’s true nature from divination and supernatural senses. Spells and abilities such as True Seeing, Discern Location, Legend Lore, Scrying, and even True Seeing.
Psionic Mental Barrier: The spell erects a psionic shield around the target’s mind and presence, rendering them immune to mind-affecting effects (e.g., Detect Thoughts, Dominate Person, or Mind Probe) and psionic detection powers (e.g., Detect Psionics, Clairvoyant Sense).
Adaptive Illusion (Combined Effect): The caster can choose an alternate appearance for the target (e.g., a different creature, an object, or an empty space) that adapts dynamically to the observer’s expectations. This illusion affects all senses and is reinforced by the psionic and divine components, making it nearly impossible to disbelieve.