Damnit Dregnoth
Damnit Dregnoth.
I … what? …why would…wtf. This thread needs to go away.
heh - yeah, i thought the same thing
somethin’ aint right when you tangent from a pic of your kid to… THAT. even Ayla grumbled in my noggin about that when i saw it last night.
“Mebbe i crossed a bad wire when i was poking his brain at CabinCon… or he’s been watching too much anime again.”
@dwarf this thread is wholly dedicated to “damnit Dregnoth” in all the horrible forms.
** Ayla peers at her original host **
“See - kicked a wire somewhere. I’ll fix him next time he ventures south…”
@halfgiant said in Dwarf Edition: 10e Caster:
Fondle (Touch Variant - Explicitly Reserved for Alchemist Magic)
dunno if its reserved for alchemist magic, but its CERTAINLY something the Avatar of Luuuve might use
i’m just glad he was headed north towards Chicago…
** Dregs smiles and strokes his Golden Rustmonster lovingly **
“Soon, my pet… soon !”https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/fungus-found-in-australian-soil-can-oxidize-gold-65933
“Lets see what happens when we replace this sculptors brain cells with pickled alchemist brain cells…”
That picture is disturbing enough, pickled alchemist brain cells are just end of days!
yep !! totally because of phones. absolutely not Dregnoth trying to grow laputans… couldn’t happen…
meanwhile, on the outskirts of V’ral…
would YOU try to grapple up something that looked like that ?? coupled with my Forced Intrusion mines, about the only army that’d even attempt a siege would be Elves - who’d initially try and steal my toys for their own depraved uses !
Rorek and Kargin look at the wall and then at each other … “Nope”… turning around and heading to a V’Ral pub.
“What ?? I found him in a box marked Ironjaw Bellyripper and put him back together !”
“YOU break into Dregnoth’s garden… i saw what happened last year !”
(( at least he avoided the exploding pineapple trees and Slaughtermelon patch )) -
This is why Dregnoth lives outside the walls of V’Ral!