another OSR company gets killed by woketards...
now ORCS are racist !!! yes, that’s right - Tolkien was attacking non-white people when he wrote about orcs !!!
eye roll… can we just start setting these snowflake fucks on fire already ?? this country SOOOO needs a Purge
R.I.P. Dungeons and Dragons… murdered by woketards 6/17/2020
@dwarf said in another OSR company gets killed by woketards...:
R.I.P. Dungeons and Dragons… murdered by woketards 6/17/2020
Except the we have been ignoring the always evil thing for years.
“a people known as the Vistani and featured the Vistani heroine Ezmerelda. Regrettably, their depiction echoes some stereotypes associated with the Romani people”
I think they meant to say " the people of Vistani are dirty fucking baby staling Gypsies and we are scared to call them that " -
oh for fock’s sake… i would be morally compelled to bitchslap a player or DM who tried this at my table
its a FANTASY GAME, you snowflake fucktards - and i don’t think anyone in a wheelchair doesn’t fantasize about magic or medical science coming up with a way for them to get outta it and be free to move. so shove your pandering shenanigans up yer shitehole where it belongs !! /rant
@dwarf " pandering shenanigans" says it all … Honestly I am thinking of coming up with some down syndrome wizards after reading this.
Imagine a Kender with … whatever the opposite of ADD is…Its time to start fleecing the snowflakes … If they don’t buy my miniature’s they hate the mentally disabled by only having “Normal” people as Miniature’s ( add liberal screeching here)
@orc gonna name 'em Timmeh ?
and i agree with ya, greenie - used to feel bad about people ripping off the dim or uneducated, but piss on the snowflakes and libtards
they wanna fuck up our game then the gloves are off !
“I flat out REFUSE to adventure in the Temple of Elemental Evil until Zuggtmoy and Iuz install ADA compliant ramps !”
jeebus, what next stupid fucking idea are they gonna come up with ?? dragons have to provide safe spaces for wounded characters to have a cry ? cities not arresting Thieves Guild members because they’re only stealing the crown jewels to buy bread for their baby mama ? ohh, and we’ve gotta get rid of Charm Monster because that’s clearly racist, and you should have to memorize spells that don’t lump ALL nonhuman creatures into one derogatory term !
this timeline is soooo buggered…
Dungeons & Dragons kicks off 2021 with its first wheelchair-accessible dungeon : Candlekeep Adventures includes 17 adventures from 19 different designers…
meet one of the fuckwits behind it all (of COURSE he’s a stanford professor
can confirm, i gots ALL of my racisms from D&D !! why, i can remember in our teenage years when me 'n G used to load up our dicebags and go tiefling-thumping !!! you haven’t LIVED until you’ve smashed some demon-kin in the face with a 1e Dungeon Masters Guide ! can i get a WITNESS ??
@dwarf said in another OSR company gets killed by woketards...:
meet one of the fuckwits behind it all (of COURSE he’s a stanford professor
can confirm, i gots ALL of my racisms from D&D !! why, i can remember in our teenage years when me 'n G used to load up our dicebags and go tiefling-thumping !!! you haven’t LIVED until you’ve smashed some demon-kin in the face with a 1e Dungeon Masters Guide ! can i get a WITNESS ??You know i usually try to at least give credence or a chance to see the other side. But this is just plain idiocy, apparently the standards for becoming a Stanford Professor has really lapsed.
putting the TRANS in transformers and Gay Eye for the GI, i’m just waiting for the guillotine blade to fall on 6e/5.5 - at which time, we might hafta permanently convert to Palladium or Rolemaster (provided they don’t lose their goddamn minds as well)
fitting… very fitting
get woke, go broke !!
s’nawesome - even the Babylon Bee is calling the new D&D books Woke Edition
(( bob may have to start videoing his 5.5 ed game over at boo’s so we can all have a laugh ))