Dwarf Edition: 10e Fighter
yep - just like the old school 2e Fire Shield (the 3e version was Ralphed)… you encapsulate your armor in an energy spirit, which lashes out at anyone who dares strike you (hitting them back for your normal energy spirit damage dice).
so if your ass gets surrounded by say and 8-pack of muls, they’re gonna be opening a can on you for whatever damage they normally do in combat, but each time one lays a hit on you he’s getting blasted by your energy spirit in return
(which at your level is what, 5d10 ?)
you can have one offensive energy spirit running and one defensive energy spirit running simultaneously, providing (obviously) that you have at least 2 energy spirits to work with. so in your example, Roreks’ Voidaxe is merrily eating its way thru monsters while he’s protecting himself with say Kinetic Platemail…
Ok. So how can a metamagic rune or metamagic tattoo interact with the offensive and/or defensive energy spirit a 10E fighter may have active? For instance, how would a metamagic rune that was stamped on the weapon wrapped in a Fire energy spirit work or wouldn’t work, or a 10E warrior that had a metamagic Fire Defensive energy spirit running interact with a Metamagic Tattoo on his chest.
I was thinking about possible metamagics like Empower, Maximize, Blistering (requires Fire Descriptor), Searing (Fire Descriptor) - and how they could interface/interact with the energy spirits.
Since its not exactly a spell, it may not integrate cleanly, however there are several precedents set were metamagics have integrated with supernatural and/or extraordinary abilities before. Like Metaray were metamagics could be applied to eye beams, so would we need a MetaSpirit Feat?
We probably need to put some thought around epic class abilities for the 10e Fighter, for when Rorke hits 21. Not immediately urgent, but need to kick it around.
@halfgiant said in Dwarf Edition: 10e Fighter:
We probably need to put some thought around epic class abilities for the 10e Fighter, for when Rorke hits 21. Not immediately urgent, but need to kick it around.
Well, with the 10e system 21 is not epic.
As discussed previously, and I also believe by you and @dwarf in a “plotting against the manaverse” session, 10e does not go epic at 21.
it will be 25 or 30 for “tier 2” class features.
We can do 25, or we can align it to 21-30 since it makes cannon material more compatible. Or use 21-30 the transformation or metamorphosis period (similar to dark sun Avangions and Dragon Kings) but for Ancients, Powermasters, and any other new classes that comes along to hit their full power.
@daermadm said in Dwarf Edition: 10e Fighter:
Spirit Healing I - Heal when hit by damage, from a marked caster, of the same type as a bound spirit
Spirit Healing II - Heal when hit by damage, from any caster, of the same type as a Twicebound spirit
Spirit Healing III - When hit by damage of the same type as a Twicebound spirit, gain regeneration and/or restoration. (needs clarification/definition)
@daermadm I couldn’t find the conversation but a long while back we discussed Spirit Healing I, II, and III. We talked about combining or reworking twicebound, and adding a thricebound option. Didn’t know if you had anymore thoughts on that.
This is in the above text -
"Twicebinding a spirit still grants 100% immunity, but you must take Spirit Healing II to get healed from a non-attenuated caster.
Spirit Healing III replaces Thricebinding a spirit."
I wouldn’t say thricebinding a spirit for Spirit Healing III is really worth it, in its current form.
@daermadm said in Dwarf Edition: 10e Fighter:
Caster Attenuation XI
So Rorek has Caster Attenuation XI, he doesn’t know that many casters. Is it possible he can use the ‘unused’ slots for something else?
@daermadm said in Dwarf Edition: 10e Fighter:
Battle Tactics:
Place to discuss ideas around 10E 21st level and above Battle Tactics:
Primal Champion - Your body honed as a fine weapon, has adapted to years of adrenalin surges, and now the +6 STR and +6 CON have become permanent.
Indomitable - For the number of times equal to the warriors CON mod, the warrior can shrug off critical’s reducing them to normal hits, this resets on a new day.
Unforgiving Surge - Your Surge can keep you Fighting despite grievous wounds. If you drop to 0 Hit Points while you’re surging and don’t die outright, instead you drop to 1 hit point instead.
Relentless Bloodlust - This warrior goes into a whirlwind of ass wooopery, having little regard to their well being. While in this state every successful melee attack gains a +10 damage, the warrior suffers a -10 to AC.
Wield Oversized Weapon - The warrior has mastered the ability to wield two-handed weapons, that are 2 size categories larger than them in one hand without penalty. Probably needs a Strength prereq of some kind here.
Energy Spirit Admixture - Allows the warrior to combine 2 energy types at once to their weapon, the energy damage inflicted is done by only one of the two energy types. But it allows the warrior better chances at overcoming any unknown immunities the creature may have.
Stalwart Defender - The 10E warrior can use his armor now as a energy focus for on of his energy types, and instead of the energy acting as a damage shield, it can act as damage reduction absorbing the same amount of damage as it would have normally dealt being a damage shield.
Disciplined Mind - Mind Flayer hunters, have managed to focus their different energy types to specific pieces of their armor, in this particular instance they could energize their helmets with electromagnetic energy, disrupting mind flayer mind blasts allowing the warriors a opportunity to cut them down.
Healing Amplification - Whenever a fighter is hit by a spell or magical effect using a energy type matching a twicebound spirit they regain 2x in healing from the damage done.
Prerequisites: Spirit Healing III; Twicebound SpiritHunter’s Mark I - (swift action) You choose a creature you can see within range and mystically mark it as your quarry. Until the spell ends, you deal an extra 1d8 damage to the target whenever you hit it with a weapon attack. If the target drops to 0 hit points before this spell ends, you can use a swift action on a subsequent turn of yours to mark a new creature. A 10E Fighter can do this a number of times per day equal to their CON modifier.
Hunter’s Mark II - (swift action) Same as Hunter’s Mark I, but deal an extra 1d12 instead.
Shield Master I - You add your shield bonus to Touch AC. Must have Tactical Advantage as prereq.
Shield Master II - When you perform a shield bash you may apply your shields enchantment bonus to both to-hit and damage plus you can still apply the shield bonus to your AC. Must have Shield Master I.
Guarded Mind - As you have mastered the energy spirits in battle, you learn to shape the energy flowing through your damage shield to bolster your mind. Rendering you impervious to mind control, charm, frighten and other mind related affects.
Crowd Control - When you reduce a target’s hit points enough to kill it with a melee attack, any damage inflicted beyond that carries over to your next melee attack before the end of your turn. If the attack misses, the extra damage is wasted.
Prerequisites: Awareness IIIChampions Gift - Your class feature of energy spirits grow stronger, and they become extraordinary becoming no longer subject to dispel magic, magic resistance, anti-magic, and dead-magic zones.
Prerequisites: Tier IITactical Assault - The 10E fighter can use his attack and perform a full set of attacks upon a single targeted enemy, in addition to the damage from the attacks the opponent becomes unbalanced so much that is provokes an attack of opportunity granting the tactical assault additional attacks. Normal AoO rules apply.
Prerequisites: Tier IITactical Advantage II - Any attack which targets a friendly within 1 square of you, or attack which you’re in line with (for party members in the back) has its difficulty raised by your shield bonus (min 1). Any attack made to a target that you’ve already struck this round gains a bonus to hit and damage equal to your strength modifier.
Prerequisites: Tier II; Tactical Advantage IAwareness IV - The fighter with this ability gains a heightened state of awareness gaining +5 to their initiative, and becoming impossible to surprise while conscious.
Prerequisites: Awareness IIIShield Master - The 10E Fighter becomes so familiar with their shield that you can use a swift action when taking an attack to try and knock down a creature 5 feet with your shield (Only works on one category size higher or lower than that of the fighter performing the knockdown). Additionally, the shield master can add their shield’s AC bonus to any dexterity-based saving throw (reflex) against a spell or other harmful effect that targets them only (ineffective against area-of-effect spells).
Prerequisites: Specialized with a Shield; Tier IIWarrior’s Stance: When the Fighter adopts a warrior’s stance, a warrior gains phenomenal strength and durability, but he cannot move from the spot he is defending. He gains +6 to Strength, +6 to Constitution, a +4 resistance bonus on all saves, and a +4 dodge bonus to AC. While in this stance, a warrior cannot use skills or abilities that would require him to shift his position. However, he can ready an action while in this stance. A warrior’s stance lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the character’s (newly improved) Constitution modifier. A warrior may end his stance voluntarily prior to this limit. Using the stance takes no time itself, but it can only be declared during their action.
Prerequisites: Tier IIDisciplined Resiliency(Ex): Only true warriors who have mastered discipline within their art as a warrior. When this ability is taken the warrior gains spell resistance equal to that of their level + 10.
Prerequisites: Tier II; No spell casting ability.Mastered Regeneration (Ex): When a warrior has twice bound a spirit, with Spirit Healing III they gain regeneration and / or restoration when hit with that energy type. With mastered regeneration, the warrior can now take his damage shield on their armor, assuming its the same energy as the energy that was twice bound, and divert it to active regeneration and / or restoration for the warrior.
Prerequisites: Tier II; Spirit Healing IIIImproved Power Attack: A warrior deals +50% the normal damage from her use of the Power Attack feat. In other words, when using the Power Attack feat, a warrior wielding a two-handed weapon gains a +3 bonus on damage rolls (instead of a +2 bonus) for each –1 penalty she applies to her attack rolls.
Prerequisites: Tier II, Power AttackSupreme Power Attack: A warrior deals +100% the normal damage from her use of the Power Attack feat. In other words, when using the Power Attack feat, a warrior wielding a two-handed weapon gains a +4 bonus on damage rolls (instead of a +2 bonus) for each –1 penalty she applies to her attack rolls.
Prerequisites: Tier II, Improved Power AttackSpirit Strike - The warrior has found an equilibrium between the energy spirit in his weapon and the spirit flare ability. Allowing for the spirit flare to deliver a critical strike with his weapon. Using the flare in this fashion doesn’t burn out the spirit.
Prerequisites: Tier II, Spirit Flare III -
Note for the future:
Tier 2 Battle Tactic - Spirit Admixture I through IVSpirit Admixture allows you to mix 2 spirits at the same time. This does not affect the damage, just the types that each attack applies.
Spirit Admixture I allows you to admix two spirit types that average their level to 4 (maybe??), like Disruption(7) and Mana (1) = 8/2 =4