September 5, 2018
Dregnoth successfully integrated the prisoner and learned that authorized people had mythal key.
Party decides to enter as a supply wagon for the prison.
Dregnoth disco balls the dwarves again and everyone piles into Dregnoth’s workshop while Immeral approaches the gate with a wagon of food for the prison.
Immeral successfully bluffs his way past the guards and the party enters the smaller building.
he enters a room with no one else and lets the party out of the bag.
Beginning to look around, the party encounters a few beholders and beholderkin in the building.
Mutilating them, the aprty also frees a group of slaves in a cell.
One of the slaves, a Blue Slaad, recognizes Dregnoth’s Argopolis tatoos and a few of his comments click with Kargin hinting that this slave somehow knows about the Multiverse that V`Ral was once a part of.
The players were awarded 1,625 XP each
They found 4,000 GP -
heh heh heh… integrated the prisoner… yes, indeed
as well as interrogated him
@dwarf said in September 5, 2018:
heh heh heh… integrated the prisoner… yes, indeed
as well as interrogated him
I chose that word on purpose.