Dragon Horde
@halfgiant said in Dragon Horde:
- I would suggest some of the more lessor or minor Ancient magic item recipes, being found in the the horde however since there hasn’t been an Ancient in this multi-verse that may be a tad difficult to explain.
there hasn’t been any DOCUMENTED Ancient in the manaverse… doesn’t mean one or more didn’t wind up here over the past few millenia
could be a whole conclave of 'em by now, hiding on a moon somewhere !
Hey Dregs, how long do you reckon this IOU a Dragon Treasure Horde is good for?
375,000GP (50% copper, 35% gold, 15% platinum)Gems
4x 5,000GP diamonds
10x 1,000GP gems (assorted)
15x 500GP gems (assorted)
15,000gp gems < 500GP each (assorted)Art Objects
250,000GP assorted high quality itemsManacite
Refined - High quality - 50 pounds
Refined - Average quality 250 pounds
Raw - 4000 year old vein (dragon’s couch)Magic Items
Arcane Scroll Arcane Sight - Deep Slumber
Arcane Scroll Nondetection - Arcane Eye - Dimension Door
Arcane Scroll Heroism - Magic Circle against Good - Dimension Door
Carpet of Flying (5 ft. by 5 ft.)
Cubes - 60
Divine Scroll Rusting Grasp
Divine Scroll Blindness/Deafness - Snare - Wind Wall
Divine Scroll Speak with Plants - Cure Critical Wounds - Lesser Planar Ally - Wall of Fire
Divine Scroll Break Enchantment - Scrying - Mass Bear’s Endurance - Gate - Summon Nature’s Ally IX
Full Plate +2
Full Plate +3
Heavy Steel Shield +5
Helm of Underwater Action
Light Steel Shield +1
Longsword +3, Flaming
Manual of Gainful Exercise (+1)
Portable Mansion
Potion of Barkskin (+2)
Potion of Bear’s Endurance
Potion of Levitate
Ring of Chameleon Power
Ring of Force Shield
Ring of Minor Spell Storing
Ring of Protection +2
Rod of the Python
Scarab of Protection
Staff of Defense
Staff of Life
Staff of Size Alteration
Staff of Swarming Insects
Studded Leather +2 armor
Wand of Cat’s Grace
Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds
Wand of Delay Poison
Wand of Dispel Magic
Wand of Fireball
Wand of Firebolt
Wand of Invisibility
Wand of Lightning Bolt -
** Dregnoth starts moving into the Portable Mansion, so y’all don’t miss him too much **
Refering to this snippet -
Refined - High quality - 50 pounds
Refined - Average quality 250 pounds
Raw - 4000 year old vein (dragon’s couch)What exactly is the difference between High Quality and Average Quality? The level of magic items you can turn the material into? Not sure what the difference in quality means to us. Is the refinement process what makes it high, or is the manacite itself considered of high quality before entering refinement or both?
And Raw, meaning unrefined, presumably with it still in the vein we have to harvest it or mine the Dragon’s couch?
@halfgiant said in Dragon Horde:
Refering to this snippet -
Refined - High quality - 50 pounds
Refined - Average quality 250 pounds
Raw - 4000 year old vein (dragon’s couch)What exactly is the difference between High Quality and Average Quality? The level of magic items you can turn the material into? Not sure what the difference in quality means to us. Is the refinement process what makes it high, or is the manacite itself considered of high quality before entering refinement or both?
And Raw, meaning unrefined, presumably with it still in the vein we have to harvest it or mine the Dragon’s couch?
The quality of the ore is more varied than that. But I could not find my notes and I never did actually work those all the way out. So that’s basically a big placeholder for now. And yes the raw ore still has to be mined.
So if the Slaad takes the Manual of Gainful Exercise (+1) can some one read it to him … cause yeah Im not so sure he can read lol
I would be all over a Staff of Magi or spell point battery.
and Alchemist Repelent… LMFAO
I don’t think this list has been integrated into the Party Treasure List (on Roll20).
Refined - High quality - 50 pounds
Refined - Average quality 250 pounds
Raw - 4000 year old vein (dragon’s couch)Is it age that defines quality of manacite?
Did you ever find your notes on the ore breakout?
@halfgiant said in Dragon Horde:
Refined - High quality - 50 pounds
Refined - Average quality 250 pounds
Raw - 4000 year old vein (dragon’s couch)Is it age that defines quality of manacite?
Did you ever find your notes on the ore breakout?
No, forgot about it
So a few times now in game the DaermaDM has referenced the Laputan’s lack of expansion over many many years to the island nations, and other continents because they have hit a resource constraint on manacite. (Correct me if this is wrong, or i misunderstood)
I can only assume they have the ability to scan for manacite some how, or do they still actively look for deposits on their continent? The reason i bring this up is they complete overlooked or didn’t see the 4000 year old vein (dragon’s couch). I’m curious if this is because thier ability to detect manacite is limited to refined manacite and they couldn’t see the raw stuff - or the dragon’s abode masked it from their scans?
Or something else?
@halfgiant said in Dragon Horde:
So a few times now in game the DaermaDM has referenced the Laputan’s lack of expansion over many many years to the island nations, and other continents because they have hit a resource constraint on manacite. (Correct me if this is wrong, or i misunderstood)
I can only assume they have the ability to scan for manacite some how, or do they still actively look for deposits on their continent? The reason i bring this up is they complete overlooked or didn’t see the 4000 year old vein (dragon’s couch). I’m curious if this is because thier ability to detect manacite is limited to refined manacite and they couldn’t see the raw stuff - or the dragon’s abode masked it from their scans?
Or something else?
The presence was masked.
Inquiring Artificer’s want to know.
Refined - High quality - 50 pounds
Refined - Average quality 250 pounds
Raw - 4000 year old vein (dragon’s couch)Is it age that defines quality of manacite?
Did you ever find your notes on the ore breakout?
Discussion, pasted below found here
Self recharging will recharge at a rate of 1 spell point per hour.
Non-self recharging will recharge at a rate of 1 spell point per week.Self recharging costs about 10 times a non self recharging to create due to the cost of the denser manacite.
I have still to set costs for manacite…
From above … “Raw - 4000 year old vein (dragon’s couch)”
So how much would a 4000 year old vein translate to in terms of refined manacite weight?
@halfgiant said in Dragon Horde:
From above … “Raw - 4000 year old vein (dragon’s couch)”
So how much would a 4000 year old vein translate to in terms of refined manacite weight?
Manacite ore weighs about 150 pounds per cubic foot no matter its age. The older it is the more hard it is as it is becoming more crystal like although it is still stone.
There is no exact conversion to refined weight.
Using Gold Vein deposit information found here as a reference.
Vein deposits include most gold mines, many large silver mines and a few copper and lead-zinc mines…
Veins range in thickness from a few centimetres to 4 metres, the average mining width being around 1.2 metres (e.g. at Bridge River). They can be several hundreds of metres long and extend to depths in excess of 1,500 metres. Mineralization commonly occurs in shoots within the vein structures. These may be up to 150 metres in strike length, 30 metres in width and greater than 250 metres vertical.
How wide was our Dragons behind, to be relaxing on such a nice couch?
Manacite is not metal ore. It is stone that has changed.
It is mined along with the stone it is formed in, typically located with the use of divination spells.
Refining can happen more than one way. The dwarven mountain, in which you let Dregnoth ruin their garbage disposal, uses a solutoin of liquefied mana, among other things, in the refining process.
Add CabinCon II loot plus Dragon Horde loot for divy. Last location of cabin con loot is in Dwarf’s boot.