Ioun Stones
So its been a long time, but i distantly remember there was a method for ‘merging’ ioun stones to a character. I thought there was a potion based process? I know the obelisk had other methods, and i think Arg had his own. I can’t quite remember what that potion based process was did Dasaroth come up with that?
yeah, Dysaroth figured out a way to liquefy Ioun stones into a potion - though once you’d imbibed a certain stone, no more of that exact type would work for you again (internally or externally).
i don’t recall Arg or his obelisk merging ioun stones into living creatures, tho i do remember the ogre compacting a few to use when making armor…
Does Dregs know how to do that? Or does that take a few more levels? I honestly don’t remember.
once we hit Epic, he’d be able to. don’t think we’re QUITE there yet…
List of Ioun Stones
Amber sphere: “of Divine Knowledge”; Acts as holy symbol, grants insight into an opponent, grants bonus to Insight, Religion and Intelligence checks (4E, Adventurer’s Vault 2)
Amber spindle: +1 resistance bonus on all saving throws, stacks up to +5 (Pathfinder, Rise of the Runelords #6: Spires of Xin-Shalast)
Anhedral: +1 to AC, as bless spell (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Any: “Singing Ioun Stone”, disguised as any other ioun stone, cursed to fill user’s mind with music and disrupt concentration (4E, Dragon Magazine #311)
Balian’s yellow: +1 to a random ability score each day (AD&D, Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Black and white ellipsoid: Provides mind blank effect against scrying (3E, Dragon magazine #319)
Black pyritohedron: Energy drain from creature or magic item; unique ioun stone (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174)
Black spindle: Darkvision and see through mist (3E, Kobold Quarterly #6)
Black star: Absorbs 62HP of fire damage (AD&D, Dragon Annual #2)
Blood red orthorhomboid: Transmutes 10ft of minerals into energy; unique ioun stone (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174)
Blue green spindle: Bestows airy water in a 10’ radius sphere at will (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Brass lozenge: Gain 2d4+2 HP once per day on command, 2d10 charges (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Bright silver cylinder: User and 200lbs. of possessions can go ethereal for one hour, 2d10 charges (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II), as cloak of etherealness, double duration (3E, Lords of Darkness)
Bright white rectangle: +1 to saves vs acid (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Brilliant green bipyramidal: Infuses target with energy, dealing damage and heating metal; unique ioun stone (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174)
Brown rhomboid: User and 200lbs. of possessions can assume gaseous form for one hour, 2d10 charges (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Brown sphere: Discerns the direction of north (3E, Kobold Quarterly #6)
Cephaloid: Obscure alignment within 20 feet (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Cerulean blue rhomboid: Bestows free action on user, as per the magical ring (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II), as cloak of etherealness (3E, Lords of Darkness)
Clear crystal: “of Adaption”; Sustains creature without food or water, resist environmental temperatures, stop ongoing damage (4E, Manual of the Planes)
Clear interconnected spheres: User becomes insubstantial; unique ioun stone (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174)
Clear pink sphere: “Spirit storage”; if user is killed in combat, his spirit is transferred to the ioun stone and can be restored with a restoration spell (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Clear prism: Store 2d6 spell levels (AD&D, Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Clear sphere: Grants 5% magic resistance (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Clear spindle: Sustains creature without food or water (3E, DMG)
Clear teardrop: Use detect undead at will (Ghostwalk Campaign Setting)
Copper rectangle: Allows user to read magic at will (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Crimson sphere: +2 enhancement bonus to Intelligence, stacks up to +6 (Pathfinder, Rise of the Runelords #6: Spires of Xin-Shalast)
Cube: +1 to Dexterity (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Cylinder: +1 to saving throws vs acid (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Dark blue rhomboid: “of True Sight”; darkvision, +6 to Perception and Insight, 1/day see invisible (4E PHB)
Dark blue rhomboid: Alertness (as the feat) (3E, DMG)
Dark green ellipsoid: +5 luck bonus to AC (3E, Lords of Darkness)
Dark orange dodecahedron: Spell resistance 21 (3E, Lords of Darkness)
Dark purple pyramid: as ring of wizardry IV (3E, Lords of Darkness)
Dark purple triangle: as ring of wizardry III (3E, Lords of Darkness)
Dark red cube: as medallion of thoughts (3E, Lords of Darkness)
Decahedron: Sustain user without water (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Decipton: Shed continual light on command (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Deep black sphere: See in magical darkness, 30’ range (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Deep purple prism: Grants 60’ infravision or doubles existing infravision range (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Deep red sphere: +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity (3E, DMG)
Deep red sphere: Add +1 to Strength (AD&D, Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Dendroid: Adds one level of ability, not cumulative (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Dodecahedron: +1 to Constitution (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Dull gray: Provides 1 power point. then disintegrates (3E, Expanded Psionics Handbook)
Dull orange rhomboid: as brooch of shielding (3E, Lords of Darkness)
Dusty rose prism, Larloch’s: +5 deflection bonus to AC (3E, Lords of Darkness)
Dusty rose prism: +1 insight bonus to AC (3E, DMG)
Echinid: User can detect magic (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Ellipsoid: +1 to saving throws vs poison gas (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Emerald ellipsoid: 5 bonus hit points, multiple stones stack (Pathfinder, Rise of the Runelords; #6: Spires of Xin-Shalast)
Enneid: +1 to Charisma (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Euhedral: Has the power of two ioun stones (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Flaming yellow prism: “Heart of fire”, +2 caster level for fire spells, +6 bonus to Knowledge (the planes) and Knowledge (arcana), 1/day cast Quench or empower a fire spell (3E, 17 Relics)
Flawed clear spindle: Cursed clear spindle (3E, Kobold Quarterly #6)
Flickering white snowflake: +1 to saves vs cold (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Frosty white octahedron: Contains 1-4 wishes; unique ioun stone (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174)
Glowing rose prism: +5 insight bonus to AC (3E, Kobold Quarterly #6)
Gold ellipsoid: User and 200lbs. of possessions can go astral for one hour, 2d10 charges (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Golden ellpisoid: Intelligent stone, provides extra attacks (3E, Kobold Quarterly #6)
Golden sphere: Distracts viewers from your disguise (3E, Kobold Quarterly #6)
Green sphere: +1 to saving throws vs gas attacks (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Hectoid: +1 to Strength (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Helicid: User can turn gaseous for one hour (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Heptahedron: +1 to saving throws vs electricity (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Heptid: Brings dying creature back to one hit point; stone turns to dust when used (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Hexagonoid: Hums softly when poison is within 20 feet (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Incandescent blue sphere, Larloch’s: +6 bonus to Wisdom (3E, Lords of Darkness)
Incandescent blue sphere: +1 level to spell ability (AD&D, Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Incandescent blue sphere: +2 enhancement bonus to Wisdom (3E, DMG)
Indigo blue trapezohedron: Emits fossilization pulse affecting living beings within 30 feet; unique ioun stone (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174)
Ioun Eye: Grants 360 degree vision (AD&D, Dragon magazine #267)
Ioun’s Flame: Bonus to Will and knowledge checks, shed light (4E, Adventurer’s Vault 2)
Iridescent spindle: Sustains creature without air (3E, DMG)
Jet black unspecified: Low-light vision, light sources reduced by half, improve critical range on one target, use stone as spying device, can’t knock opponents unconscious (4E, Open Grave)
Lavender and green ellipsoid: Absorbs spells of 8th level or lower (3E, DMG)
Light blue prism: User can understand all spoken languages (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Lime green prism: Ignore the effects of heat and ice (3E, Kobold Quarterly #6)
Lozenge: +1 to saving throws vs charm spells (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Marble sphere: Protects other ioun stones from damage (3E, Kobold Quarterly #6)
Maroon star: User can only be harmed by magical weapons and spells (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Monoclinoid: Disables infravision within 20 feet (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Mottled gray sphere: as ring of counterspells (3E, Lords of Darkness)
Nephroid: Grants 5% magic resistance (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Ochre spindle: Grants 360 degree vision (3E, Kobold Quarterly #6)
Octahedron: Protects owner with continual mind blank spell (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Onyx rhomboid: +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution, stacks up to +6 (Pathfinder, Rise of the Runelords #6: Spires of Xin-Shalast)
Orange cube: Grants resistance to mind-affecting spells as if user had a Wisdom of 20 (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Orange prism: +1 caster level (3E, DMG)
Orthorhomboid: +1 to Intelligence (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Ovoid: Allows water walking for one hour per day (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Pale aquamarine prism: “of Steadfastness”; fear immunity (4E, Adventurer’s Vault)
Pale blue rhomboid: +2 enhancement bonus to Strength (3E, DMG)
Pale green lozenge: Bestows nondetection (AD&D, Dragon Annual #2)
Pale green prism, Larloch’s: +5 competence bonus on attack rolls, saves and checks (3E, Lords of Darkness)
Pale green prism: +1 competence bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks and ability checks (3E, DMG)
Pale lavender ellipsoid: Absorbs spells of 4th level of lower (3E, DMG)
Pale turquoise: Double carrying capacity (3E, Kobold Quarterly #6)
Pale white sphere: Recall three 9th-level spells, as pearl of power (3E, Lords of Darkness)
Pale yellow prism: Glows like a sunrod (3E, Kobold Quarterly #6)
Pearlized brown ellipsoid: as boots of speed, free action to activate (3E, Lords of Darkness)
Pearly black spindle: Undead regenerate 1hp/hour (3E, Lords of Darkness)
Pearly white prism: Repairs 1 point of damage per turn (AD&D, Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Pearly white spindle: Regenerate 1 point of damage per hour (3E, DMG)
Pebble: Use invisibility to undead once per day (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Peg: Provides a bonus ot 10 arcs, wings or songs to spellcaster (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Pentahedron: Free action once per day for one hour (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Pink and green ellipsoid: Absorb spells of up to 4th level (AD&D, Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Pink and green sphere: +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma (3E, DMG)
Pink ellipsoid: Adds +1 to Constitution (AD&D, Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Pink rhomboid: +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution (3E, DMG)
Prism: User can see in magical darkness (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Puce cube: Bestows ESP at will; user can scan surface thoughts of one person per round within range of 30’ (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Pulsing red star: +1 to saves vs fire (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Pure white octahedron: +1 bonus to Charisma vs beings of the same race (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Pyramid: Regenerate one hit point every four hours (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Rainbow crystal: Provide 5 power points (3E, Expanded Psionics Handbook)
Rainbow ellipsoid: User can levitate at will (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Rainbow spindle: User and 200lbs. of possessions can polymorph self for one hour, 2d10 charges (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Rectangle: +1 to saving throws vs poison (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Red ellipsoid: “of Regeneration”; regeneration 10 while bloodied 1/day (4E, Adventurer’s Vault)
Red sphere: Bestows protection from fire (AD&D, Dragon Annual #2)
Rhomboid: Absorb 10 points of damage; turns to dust when used (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Rich green star: as +5 stone of good luck (3E, Lords of Darkness)
Rod: User can comprehend language as the spell (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Round: Continual Read Magic (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Scarlet and blue sphere, Larloch’s: +6 bonus to Intelligence (3E, Lords of Darkness)
Scarlet and blue sphere: +2 enhancement bonus to Intelligence (3E, DMG/AD&D, Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Septahedron: Strength spell once per day for one hour (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Sexahedron: User can teleport; stone turns to dust when used (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Shining black spiral: as helm of teleportation (3E, Lords of Darkness)
Silver ellipsoid: +5 to saves vs Necromancy (3E, Kobold Quarterly #6)
Silver rod: +1 to saves vs electricity (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Silver sphere: Negates rear-attack bonuses (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Silvery mirror cube: +1 bonus to saves vs petrification gaze attacks (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Sky blue sphere: Delay elemental damage (3E, Kobold Quarterly #6)
Slate blue prism: Bonus smite attempt, turn attempt or 2nd level divine spell (3E, Kobold Quarterly #6)
Soft black rectangle: Protection against level-draining attacks, 2d10 charges (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Sphere: +1 to saving throws vs petrification (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Spindle: Use invisibility to animals once per day (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Star: Use light once per day (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Stelloid: Sustain user without food (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Tan ellipsoid: Identify spells and magic (3E, Kobold Quarterly #6)
Tetrapton: +1 to saving throws vs cold (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Tile: Projcets antimagic shell around user; stone turns to dust when used (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Tredyhedron: +1 to Wisdom (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Triclinid: +1 to saving throws vs fire (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Tubule: Grants infravision with a range of 60 feet (AD&D, Netheril: Encyclopedia Arcana)
Unspecified rhomboid: “of Sustenance”; require no food, water or air, and require half normal rest (4E, Adventurer’s Vault)
Vibrant purple prism: Stores three levels of spells, as a ring of spell storing, minor (3E, DMG)
White and pink rhomboid: “of Perfect Language”; understand all spoken languages, +5 to Charisma-based skills (4E, Adventurer’s Vault)
Yellow sphere: Sheds continual light on command (AD&D, Dragon magazine #174/Encyclopedia Magica Vol. II)
Yellow spindle: +1 on saves vs petrification (AD&D, Dragon Annual #2)
@dwarf said in Ioun Stones:
once we hit Epic, he’d be able to. don’t think we’re QUITE there yet…
Dregs crack the code yet?
dregs hadn’t reached Epic yet when we stopped that game - he was getting close to 16 / 16 / 16 so it’d be a year or two of adventuring before he’d graduate to Epic Alchemist