crApple made something RIGHT ???
naww, this is gotta be a late april fools joke… or a bait-and-switch ??
when’s the last time they made something with a user-replaceable battery ?
imma go take an aspirin and lie down, while the G figures out how to make this work with his Goa’uld technology
Interesting, another superior and innovative product from Apple, not some boring old tired technology Microsuck, and Intel from the PC verse.
I will definately have to pick this up. Now if they want to impress me, let me attach it to my coffee cup, and not have it go boom in the microwave.
you mean your Wheatgrass Soy Latte ??
i’d always heard that crApple was the machine of choice amongst the LGTBQ crowd and snowflakes - never saw it myself until now >;)
@dwarf I stir my black gas station coffee, in a confrontational unsafe space with a stick of beef jerky! America!
i weep for all the tax dollars wasted teaching you to speak HR-millenial edition
criminals using airtags to track vehicles ta steal
tho it’d be a funny way for bob’s UAV armada to freak out terrorists driving around in a hardened vehicle
.chime. Airtag found moving with you
“Wait, what ? Who is having an airtag ? Muhammed bin Goatfucker, is that yours ?”
“It is not mine ! Soros has not paid my family yet…”
“bin Camelhumper, is this yours ?”
“No sahib, click on Learn About This Airtag to see who it belongs to”
.chime. United States Marine Corps - Aloha Snackbar shitheads
“Aiiiiieeeee - everybody out !!!”