quit dickin' around, bob...
who wants to bet the whites of his eyes glow when he’s agitated ??
he’s either a modern-day Nikola Tesla or the best quantum bullshitter the US Navy could find…
guessing the G will be building this into his next generation of toys for the military
Well how about that, that’s a concept they have talked about forever and a day but couldn’t make work… looks like someone cracked that nut. Good on them.
meanwhile, SAFB begins laying in new cable between a small house in Troy IL and Cheyenne Mountain…
bob’s new drone - Pelosi approved !!
“This revolutionary approach to target elimination results in near-zero media criticism when unavoidable collateral damage occurs,” said Gen. M. Eddie Matters. “In many cases media coverage is even positive,” he added.
yes, but can we mount them on SHARKS ??
so what’s a Spacetime Modification Weapon, g ?? quite curious to know, since anything touted as “making a H-bomb look like a firecracker” sounds a bit CRACKERJACK-ish 'ta me…
What did you crazy bastards do ??? now NASA is jumpstarting their DeLorean and working on a Flux Capacitor
(( might wanna ask him the price tag before he orders ya a pair ))
… oh, shouldn’t be a problem. the previous models were $43k a set… the new ones are part of a $400 million contract. check your couch cushions or hit up Smaug the Crypto-Godfather for a high-interest loan
@dwarf Naaa you guys are like family … I do Mid intrest loans for you guys 80% but it dosnt compound
dude… your engineering boys oughta get a couple o’ these, de-chinkafy 'em and turn them into intruder-hunters
every school, store and military base would want 'em
bet’cha the G is building these evaporated-glass quantum processors into his shiny new mothership
this hurt my brain
bob’s prolly weaponizing it already !
told ya he’s been working with the Goa’uld !! get me one of those regenerating sarcophagi already
pitter-patter !
wee Terminator prototype
what’s this lil’ beauty, half-g ?? 'n how the hell do the wing tips stay on ?
Russia, China : “We have hypersonic missiles now ! The U.S. is finished !”
Bob : “Cool story - wanna see my FTL missile ??”https://thedebrief.org/darpa-funded-researchers-accidentally-create-the-worlds-first-warp-bubble/
SOMEBODY’s been a busy lil’ tinker
the birth of holograms ??