quit dickin' around, bob...
yes, but can we mount them on SHARKS ??
so what’s a Spacetime Modification Weapon, g ?? quite curious to know, since anything touted as “making a H-bomb look like a firecracker” sounds a bit CRACKERJACK-ish 'ta me…
What did you crazy bastards do ??? now NASA is jumpstarting their DeLorean and working on a Flux Capacitor
(( might wanna ask him the price tag before he orders ya a pair ))
… oh, shouldn’t be a problem. the previous models were $43k a set… the new ones are part of a $400 million contract. check your couch cushions or hit up Smaug the Crypto-Godfather for a high-interest loan
@dwarf Naaa you guys are like family … I do Mid intrest loans for you guys 80% but it dosnt compound
dude… your engineering boys oughta get a couple o’ these, de-chinkafy 'em and turn them into intruder-hunters
every school, store and military base would want 'em
bet’cha the G is building these evaporated-glass quantum processors into his shiny new mothership
this hurt my brain
bob’s prolly weaponizing it already !
told ya he’s been working with the Goa’uld !! get me one of those regenerating sarcophagi already
pitter-patter !
wee Terminator prototype
what’s this lil’ beauty, half-g ?? 'n how the hell do the wing tips stay on ?
Russia, China : “We have hypersonic missiles now ! The U.S. is finished !”
Bob : “Cool story - wanna see my FTL missile ??”https://thedebrief.org/darpa-funded-researchers-accidentally-create-the-worlds-first-warp-bubble/
SOMEBODY’s been a busy lil’ tinker
the birth of holograms ??
when ya get around to making Boomstick’s Heavy Laser Rifle, i’ll take 2
https://breakingdefense.com/2022/09/lockheed-martin-delivers-300-kilowatt-laser-to-defense-department/ -
better get’cher lab rats to push that Compact Fusion Reactor out the door, or you’ll get passed by Westinghouse
i want one for my house, and Cloud wants one for his Prius !
now Bob’s gonna have to fight his computer for a morning cup 'o coffee !
G is gonna need ALL of kargin’s clones and homunculi to finish 120 F-35s by next January
o’course, he’s got a billion reasons to do so !